Well, we find ourselves in a really difficult place. Donations did come from our last appeal, but they weren’t sufficient to cover our expenses.
We do thank you copiously nonetheless.
I personally am acting on faith that, though I don’t have enough now to cover my own expenses for this month, Michael may just be squeezing every last vasana out of me and I may be able to meet them by mid-month, by his grace.
Thank you to those who did donate. Be assured that we’re looking for every way out of this situation, save charging for the books and articles on the site. I’ll go down with that ship.
Short of that, we’re seeking a way out. The situation is probably the same for other lightworker blogs.
Again, bondholders, Tiers 2 and 3, BRICS folks, if a reval donor is reading this, we welcome the assistance.
It’s insane to be so close to the finish line….