Italian anti-Covid protest, Oct. 2021
The deep state, the cabal, the New World Order rely on us thinking, feeling, and acting from a lower-dimensional paradigm.
That paradigm holds that we’re separate selves vying for survival amid seeming scarcity.
According to it, life is a zero-sum game. Some win; some lose and what the winners win, the losers lose. (So be among the winners and stop complaining.)
It’s not a true reflection of the way the universe works when we allow it to work.
Everything the deep state is doing at the moment is designed to raise fears that we’ll be on the losing side. The deep state, like Hitler, creates enemies within and without and enriches itself while the people fight its battles to be on the winning side. (1)
Just as it took Europe a long time to wake up to Hitler’s true intentions and a longer time to mobilize, so it’s taking the world a long time to wake up to the deep state’s true intentions and a longer time to mobilize. Not even fraudulent elections have done it. Not even an engineered pandemic and toxic vaccine.
I wrote this before listening to Simon Parkes. At 10:00, Simon confirms that “Phase 2” of military preparations is indeed underway.
At 13:20 he discusses who’s calling the shots (the Alliance). At 15:50, he discusses the redistribution and repositioning of military assets.
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The Alliance want the world to wake up before the military intervenes. There needs to be popular demand. Otherwise there could be civil war.
But you can see the military massing in each country, under the guise of putting down coups, border disputes, criminal dragnets, etc. Something is transpiring.
I see us ordinary folk drawing ever closer in unity and love, to say “no” to the deep state but without violence or other provocation.
I see a total refusal to cooperate with the deep state wherever it is to be found. That’d probably be enough to bring it down or bring the military in.
The worst thing we could do would be to fight back. First of all, it’d provoke a reaction from Team Dark, which could cause an all-out civil war. That seems to be what they want.
Secondly, the Alliance is there to do the fighting. They probably want and need us to stay off the streets as much as possible the minute we hear of any signs that anything is beginning. Stay out of the way of the military: Prime directive.
I’m going out on a limb saying that. I hope to heck I’m right. But that’s my take on it.
The increased saber-rattling of last week combined with the troop movements around the world of this week suggest that the military are gathering in many if not all countries for the next act in the drama. That act has been billed as the taking down of the New World Order.
Whoever is the agent, according to the Divine Mother’s Plan, the New World Order seems destined to fall. (2)
(1) The New World Order creates the Problem, manufactures and manages our Reaction through the mainstream media, and then offers itself as the Solution through their forces of control (Problem/Reaction/Solution). All of it results in an erosion of civil rights and the net tightens around us.
(2) “[I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.)