Hey, I’ve done this before!
I just had a major realization and, with it, an expansion in my feeling of adequacy. After last week’s high tragedy and comedy, I probably needed the boost.
Since many of us will be assuming large assignments after the Reval, what happened may be of interest to you.
I’ll have large obligations and I’ve been saying to myself, what experience have I to manage meetings and negotiate?
None that I could think of. I’m a babe in the woods. How am I going to do this? (Panic, mayhem, chaos, despair.)
And then a light went on.
What am I saying? I spent eight years listening to refugee claims in a hearing room with lawyers and research staff, tape recorders and transcribers, country reports, caselaw, on and on. I have a great deal of experience running a meeting.
Who says that’s not preparation for what follows?
Why did I not see that till now? It seems obvious in retrospect. And yet it came right out of the blue (Michael’s blue, probably – inspiration).
I’m accomplishing now what I could never accomplish in those years and that’s to go inwards.
And as I do so, I let go of so many earlier concerns. But I also let go of a lot of memory.
I forgot about my time as a refugee decision-maker.
The impact on me of remembering it is to wash away all concern about running a meeting, leading an organization, etc. I may have to modify the structure but I still know how to operate within one. I’ve been an executive without even remembering I had been.
And, after the Reval, nowhere will there arise a question of cost. Whatever money can buy, we can do. I’m starting to like this.
My background or baseline mood has shifted from one of fear and uncertainty to one of confidence and certainty.
I get it now as a realization: I can do this.
So let’s keep track of the ways we’ll be equipped to handle the sometimes-challenging assignments ahead:
(1) The Company of Heaven will give us an experience of a higher-dimensional state that will leave us better equipped to handle the challenges;
(2) We’ll be inspired to remember a forgotten talent or skill that we have, which we then incorporate in our present-day repertoire;
(3) The Company of Heaven has assured us of their protection against harm.
(4) We know we’ll have the means.
I can definitely envision a time when we as a society will be at peace and back to forgiving much in each other to maintain that peace.
At that time we’ll all be fed by an inner artesian well, an internal tsunami of love. Love will turn out to be the fountain of youth, the heavenly ambrosia, the nectar of the gods we’ve all been seeking. Drowned in this love, our search has ended.
But that’s a ways into the future and our work will lie in getting from here to there with society in as much of a united piece – a common unity or community – as possible. Right now that looks somewhat elusive.
But that’s exactly where we lightworkers come in. In my opinion, we’ll need all our skills to bring society back together again once we’re finally through with the efforts of the cabal to divide and conquer us.