I encourage people to read what is, I know, a very long article. Dr. Breggin lays out the entire case.
We’re sufficiently worried about being called conspiracy theorists that we fail sometimes to really call a spade a spade. Dr. Breggin is unafraid and calls it like it is, from the beginning of the saga to the end.
World Renowned Psychiatrist: ‘Global Predators’ Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind the COVID ‘Reign of Terror’
Debra Heine, American Greatness, October 6, 2021
A world-renowned psychiatrist says an evil cabal of powerful elites, including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, tech billionaire Bill Gates, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, created the COVID pandemic to push the deadly vaccines on an unsuspecting public, and usher in a “new world order.”
Dr. Peter Breggin argues in a new book that the U.S. government began its vaccine rollout by enticing people to get the experimental shot using various bribes, then moved on to forcing the injections on unwilling people by threatening their employment, imposing higher health insurance rates, making it more difficult for them to travel, and even denying them health care.
Breggin, 85, says we are in the midst of worldwide propaganda campaign designed to make people feel helpless, docile, and obedient. He laid out in detail what his extensive research into the pandemic has uncovered during an interview on Dr. Joseph Mercola’s podcast, last month. According to Breggin, “we are being oppressed by evil people” who are working toward a worldwide totalitarian regime.
Breggin is known as “the conscience of psychiatry” because of his opposition to shock treatment and lobotomies in the 1970s. His campaign against psychosurgery led to reform in the psychiatric profession, including the abolition of lobotomies and other experimental psychosurgeries. Breggin has written more than a dozen bestselling books on psychiatry and the drug industry.
His latest book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, hit bookstores on September 30.
“Don’t get scared, get angry. Don’t get demoralized. They want that. There’s a whole school of public health that talks about how to intimidate and engender fear to get people to do what you want. It’s called “fear appeal,” he said. “So we have to know that there’s a war against us. They have a stealth war against us. So be proud. Be an American, be a patriot, stand up for liberty.”
The psychiatrist stressed the goal of the globalists is to make people feel weak and helpless in the midst of the pandemic.
“It’s extremely important to get over what essentially is an attempt to make us all feel helpless and obedient and docile,” Breggin told Mercola. “We have to know who are the masters driving this. We also need to understand the mechanisms of what is essentially a rein of terror. We’re looking at a revolution against us that wants to make us feel helpless like children again.”
Throughout the interview, Breggin stressed that people should stop wondering why global elites are inflicting harmful and destructive policies on the public.
“In psychotherapy, we often see people who have been terribly, terribly abused by their parents, but they cannot face it. They can’t understand it. They can’t identify it as evil,” he explained. “They can’t say it was evil for my father to sexually abuse me, that it was evil for my mother to participate and go along with it.”
But it was evil, the psychiatrist said. “It was evil in the extreme when you see people who have been ritually abused,” he said, noting that there are many cases in which families have abused their children “in ritualistic fashion.” (1)
“For the outsider, often, it’s impossible to believe that this even takes place because we human beings just can’t bear to look at evil,” he said. “We can’t bear to think that there are people out to harm us, and manipulate us. We can’t bear to think there are people different from us—people who actually take pleasure in injury and domination—literally pleasure from it, the way we might [take pleasure] from a hug.”
The doctor said that it was important to disabuse people of the notion that the pandemic is a result of bad luck. The terrible state of affairs throughout the globe is not the result of chance, he maintained, stressing that people need to stop questioning why policymakers are making so many counterproductive decisions.
“It’s time to face it and get rid of the idea that this is chance, or crazy, or bizarre, or makes no sense,” Breggin said.
“How does it make sense that they’re absolutely ignoring that in America now, we have over 13,000 reports of death (to the CDC) from the vaccine, and no one is investigating it?” he asked.
Breggin pointed out that in past years, if there had been only 200 deaths from all of the vaccines put together, it would have been considered a catastrophe.
“Now we have a vaccine that has more deaths than every other vaccine all put together. So how can we ignore that?” he continued.
Meanwhile, Breggin noted, there there are highly inflated numbers of COVID deaths that have been falsified by manipulating the reporting mechanisms.
He said rather than “crazy,” what is being done “makes perfect sense if you’re trying to intimidate and overwhelm a population.”
“You exaggerate the danger that’s out there—the terror—and make it into a horror show,” he explained. “And then you think, what is their goal? They don’t want any early treatments at all—why don’t they want early treatments?”
Breggin pointed out that two treatments that have been proven to be helpful in fighting COVID—Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine—are inexpensive, and safe to use.
“Why would they stop that?” he asked. “Well, they’re already exaggerating the deaths, and they’re already minimizing the harm done by the vaccines, so could this be, from the start, all about the vaccine?”
Breggin declared that “the spike protein is the spearhead of an assault on humanity that has nothing to do with COVID-19 whatsoever,” and that COVID-19 was created “in order to vastly increase the wealth of numerous institutions, numerous individuals of many, many different stripes—many of them unfortunately originating from America—who are working in collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party, as the book demonstrates painfully accurately—to increase this vast exploitation of the world.”
Breggin said it was no accident that western Democracies like the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia, were being “humiliated” by particularly draconian totalitarian policies.
“Well, the Chinese have been sinking their teeth into us for a long, long time because we are the seat of liberty,” the doctor explained, noting that several third world countries have been allowed to fight the pandemic using Ivermectin because the global forces are focused primarily on destroying countries that are the most free.
“This is terrifying folks, but it shouldn’t make you anxious, afraid, guilty, ashamed, helpless,” he said. “It should arouse you to look with reason to what in the world is happening.”
Breggin said his book explains in detail how this evil was allowed to take hold.
“It has an ancient history,” he noted, citing Caesar, Genghis Khan, certain African tribes, and the Inca empire.
“There’s always been this tendency to keep people in thrall, he explained. “What’s happening to us now is not new. It’s not unexpected or unheard of. It’s how humanity has always lived.”
Decades in the making, the globalist plot to create a new world order gained traction during the Obama years.
“In 2010, Bill Gates pronounced ‘the decade of the vaccine,’ and who do you think was right with him as a partner in the declaration? Anthony Fauci.”
He said Gates founded the “Decade of Vaccines” project in 2010, assembling a committee made up of globalists—including Fauci— to implement a Global Vaccine Action Plan.
“The world today has 6.8 billion people, Gates said in a Ted Talk in 2010. “That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
In 2015, Breggin continued, Gates held an event that was “in anticipation of a pandemic,” that made it apparent that they were working on creating a pandemic and a deadly vaccine to go along with it.
“You get the vaccine. If it doesn’t kill you, you get COVID and get very sick,” he explained.
The doctor said he unearthed a 2015 paper that showed funding from Fauci’s NIAID, to a collaborative study with the top two scientists at the Wuhan lab. Breggin stressed that Fauci had to know that he was funding a potential pandemic virus being conducted by the Communist Chinese government.
“One thing folks don’t know is there’s never been a SARS-CoV virus found in nature. Never—But there are untold numbers of SARS-CoV viruses floating around in labs,” he said. “So, here we have China and America making what are essentially biological weapons, the excuse being, hey, we’re going to make vaccines.”
But the vaccines weren’t designed to work, he continued. “They know it because the coronavirus mutates all the time. You make a vaccine for the Chinese virus, it’s not going to last long because it will just help force these mutations to come out.”
Breggin said he discovered on Klaus Schwab’s website that Gates in 2016 had created a 65-page business plan for the next pandemic.
“That business plan lays out everything that is happening to us now,” he said. “In particular, it lays out that Bill Gates will be working with CEPI, an organization he founded in 2017 with Klaus Schwab, who touted “the Great Reset” in 2020.
He said Gates at that time was already working with the drug companies to develop what would become to be known as “Operation Warp Speed.”
“Poor, deluded Trump—I love Donald Trump—in a way, deeply for what he has done for America First, and liberty, but he was duped. He couldn’t believe he was duped by everybody.
Breggin said Trump thought he had come up with Operation Warp Speed, but he was only implementing what Gates had come up with in 2017.
In July 2017, based on their plan, Bill Gates’ organization CEPI made a PowerPoint for the World Health Organization pointing out that the drug companies will suffer no losses during the coming pandemic.
“It says, basically that Bill Gates—he’s mentioned by name—will be involved in the organization of the generation of the actual vaccines, and all the wealth working with various people and that the World Health Organization will take over all the rest,” he explained.
“Imagine that. They have no powers like this, legally. They’re not the rulers of the world. They’re not the courts or the congresses of the world. They’re making this up for themselves because they have so much power,” Breggin said.
“Behind the World Health Organization is the U.N. Behind the U.N. and the World Health Organization is Communist China’s huge power, huge power. They announce that the World Health Organization will then take the scientific side of it and own that, and set the standard for medicine, for the vaccines, for all that stuff.”
Breggin continued:
If you want to know, how does a Reign of Terror occur overnight? You organize vast businesses, you organize the government agencies, you organize all these people. You get a powerful leader like Bill Gates, because he has money everywhere. By the way, he funds World Health Organization, not just through the Bill and Melinda Gates. You’ll find out in the book there’s three foundations he funds that are giving money to the World Health Organization.
Now, if you look at 2017 and who is partnering with Bill Gates, 2016, ’17, you look at the two documents that are on my website or you read the book, it’s all in the book, who is working, in 2016 and ’17, announced as partners with CEPI, with Bill Gates, with Klaus Schawb, with the drug companies? Well, you find out the drug companies are, but this is the part you’re not going believe until you read it.
Partners include the FDA, CDC, even BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority), and that awful person named Bright, B-R-I-G-H-T, from BARDA. The big government agencies, NIH (National Institutes of Health) and NIAID are there. They’re all there working with Bill Gates and CEPI in 2016, ’17, and is planning meetings, and BARDA remains on his planning board with Rick Bright.
Breggin explained that Rick Bright was “the key man in the deep state” who prevented President Trump from opening up repurposed drug treatments in America, which arguably led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
He explained that the reason the early treatments were shot down was that we were supposed to be in “the Decade of Vaccine.”
“That’s all it was ever about,” he argued. “It was never about anything else.”
Everything that’s happening to us was developed and planned ahead of time. Now, people say, ‘We don’t understand,’ and that’s really, almost everybody thinks that there was no animal testing of the vaccines, there wasn’t time, and blah, blah, blah. Animal testing of these vaccines go back to the early 2020s. What am I saying? 2008, 2010, you’ll find it in the book. What they continually found is that any vaccine, including, because several of the studies were about RNA or DNA vaccines, that any coronavirus vaccine for SARS-CoV—because remember, they’re creating SARS-CoVs in the lab, lots of them, all kinds, so they can experiment with the vaccines.
You know what they use? They use what Ginger calls, my wife calls “Frankenmice.” You take a poor mouse and you develop it abnormally so that it has human lung epithelia, and then you can see what happens to the mouse, how these things kill the mice. They find that, first of all, the mutations are so rapid, it’s going to be a problem, but worse than that, the vaccines that they do give to the mice end up making them susceptible to horrible outcomes, if they actually get COVID. They don’t get very good protection, and when they get COVID, they get very, very sick and many of them die.
Then you ask yourself, “This was known?” Yes. How well-known? In 2020, while Operation Warp Speed is going on and they’re rushing these human experiments, a paper comes out from independent people in a major journal, through Fauci funding. He probably funded it without knowing what was going to happen, or he didn’t care, saying these vaccines, all of them, not just the mRNA and the DNA, but even the killed vaccines, they’re too dangerous to even try on humans. This comes out in 2020. You’ll find it in the book.
Breggin told Mercola that the globalists left a massive paper trail because they spread many memorandums of understanding to a lot of different groups.
It’s systematic, and public health people have always been totalitarian in nature. I mean, you read a compendium of public health writings, and it’s all about public health people telling the communities what they must do come the next public health threat. They don’t say, “Preserve the Bill of Rights.” No. They don’t say, “Make sure we check this out in the courts.” Or, “We have a body supervising us for our ethics, and to protect the folks.” No, no, no. They’re, by nature, a lot of public health people, certainly the ones that rise to the top, which is generally the case in institutions. In institutions, the cream doesn’t rise to the top, but people who will do anything to get to the top rise to the top. That’s the basic situation.
The doctor stressed there is nothing wrong with Americans who question everything now, and don’t trust the vaccines.
You look back and you see what’s going on and what happened, and that helps you see it’s not you, so there’s nothing wrong with half of America. There’s nothing wrong with those of us who are patriotic. There’s nothing wrong with those of us who believe in God. There’s nothing wrong with those of us who really admire the founders of the country, even though they were human beings and they had corrupt, horrible practices like slavery, but they had these amazing ideas. Many of them were very great and good men and women, Abigail and John Adams, Martha and George Washington. Strong, devoted people who risked their entire lives and fortunes to give us a free nation.
We need to know what happened. We are being oppressed by evil people. Nothing is by chance. We might as well be children being tormented and turned into helpless beings. We have to say to each other, “No more. No more helplessness. No more lamenting. No more complaining. No more saying, ‘What’s happening to us?’” It’s very clear what’s happening to us. It’s the age-old tendency for power to rise to the top and to abuse everybody again, only now it’s high-tech, and now they have these fake vaccines that are sort of high-tech, and so on. It’s the same old scaring the hell out of us by all the methods that Joe has been talking about so much and I’ve been talking about so much. We won’t name all those methods again, but they’re all calculated to cow us, and so we can look at this and not say, “What they’re doing is crazy.” No, it’s not crazy. It’s intentional, and purposeful and we must stand up to it.
Yeah, and I really want to help people replace the fear and confusion, like, “How could they do this?” The worst thing you can say to yourself is, “How could they do this? What are they doing to me?” I remember when the diaries of some of the people, the leaders in the Warsaw Ghetto . . . They weren’t really leaders. The leaders were fighting and dying in the streets against the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto, slowing down their progress and tying up large numbers of troops. The rabbis, the intellectuals, they were saying, “God, why have you done this to us? Why have you done-” What do you mean, “Why?” This is the history of the world. I mean, read the Bible. The first family, the one son kills the other over jealousy, lies to the father. This is the history of the world.
Stop lamenting, stop complaining. Be joyful, and I mean joyful. We won’t always be joyous – be joyful that you are in a moment of time when you can help turn the tide again the way our founders did. We really have an opportunity to get together, create our own institutions, fight back, take big risks. Do you know the founders of our country, each and every one who signed the Declaration of Independence, consciously knew that they had created King George’s hit list. Every single one of them knew that if the war was lost, they’d be sought out and hanged. King George promised it when he saw the list.
My emphasis about, it’s going to get worse. My emphasis is, that’s the plan. The plan always starts with one piece of oppression, two pieces. They work you up, like the proverbial frog in the hot water, which is probably not a true story, but that’s the metaphor, until you’re cooked, boiled, so it’s inevitable, folks. Don’t wait for it to end. Whoever’s behind Joe, whether it’s his wife, or Barack Obama. I don’t know why we don’t know. I don’t know who’s not looking hard in that area. I’m sure there’d be a way to find out who’s behind Joe, because it’s not Joe. There’s nothing inside of Joe much now, but this is the plan. It’s not going to just get better by itself, absolutely will not.
Breggin predicted that America will see its own French Revolution-style “Reign of Terror.”
“It inevitably goes that way until there’s either a fight back or people become so docile that they only need occasional examples of terrorization,” he said. “We have to fight back. I’ve never put it so clearly in my life, folks, but there’s no doubt about it. This is the situation. I’m not talking about violence. I think we first have to work ourselves up to see if we can do this with just plain dissent. Be like Gandhi, be like Martin Luther King, and take brave risks. I think that’s where we have to go.
(1) I witnessed a woman in a number of enlightenment intensives repeatedly go through releasing herself from her memories of ritualistic abuse.