My thanks to Len, D, and Brian for their research.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for.
Media Blackout: It’s Not Just Southwest Airlines – Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville Reportedly Walked Out Friday Night Protesting Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Too
Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, October 10, 2021
Big Media blacked out the news on Friday night that hundreds of flights out of Jacksonville were cancelled due to walkouts in response to vaccine mandates.
We’ve reported already on the Southwest Airlines flights canceled this weekend.
In addition, according to one source air traffic controllers staged a walkout in Jacksonville in response to the vaccine mandate being forced on them.
Vietnam Veteran Reportedly Died From COVID-19 After Hospital Rejected Court Order to Treat Him With Ivermectin
Tony Gray, Resist the Mainstream, October 7, 2021
An upstate New York hospital was so dead set against administering Ivermectin that they ended up with a dead patient.
Rochester Regional Health refused to administer the drug to 75-year old Jeremy L. Carter, a patient sickened by Covid-19, even after a court ordered them to. Carter was a Vietnam-era Navy veteran who later retired from Eastman-Kodak after 31 years employment.
Carter was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit September 20 where he was placed on a ventilator, according to Rochester’s NBC TV affiliate WHEC.
“Less than a week later, he was admitted to Rochester General Hospital where doctors started COVID-19 treatment which included Remdesivir and Dexamethasone,” WHEC-TV reported, adding “treatments did not work and his health continued to deteriorate.”
Carter’s daughter, Jill Alvarado, began research on alternative treatments. She found the drug Ivermectin, which is typically used to treat certain infections caused by parasitic worms, head lice, and skin conditions.
Alvarado got her father’s primary care provider to write him a prescription for ivermectin but the hospital refused to administer ivermectin to Carter even after family said they would sign a liability waiver. The family then took the hospital to court. A Monroe County judge ordered the hospital Friday to administer the experimental treatment to the dying patient.
Rochester Regional Health did not give Carter the drug. Instead, they filed an appeal Saturday. A hearing was scheduled for Monday morning but Carter died Sunday.
“Every case I have is a person in a hospital dying… what is the harm if a hospital is done with its protocol?” asked Ralph Lorigo, the attorney who has brought dozens of lawsuits against health systems across the country.
Carter’s suit is the third Lorigo has filed against Rochester Regional Health to get them to administer Ivermectin.
“Each of those times we were successful and those people went home,” Lorigo told the TV reporter. “In this situation we sued, we got a court order and the hospital refused to administer the Ivermectin.”
Ivermectin has not been approved for treatment of Covid-19 by the Food and Drug Administration. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an emergency alert about the antiviral August 13 after noting a large increase in prescriptions for the drug, which won the 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine.
A recent study examining pharmacy dispensing in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic showed an increase from an average of 3,600 ivermectin prescriptions per week before the pandemic (March 16, 2019–March 13, 2020). “Outpatient ivermectin dispensing has again begun to rapidly increase, reaching more than 88,000 prescriptions in the week ending August 13, 2021,” noted the CDC.
Bill Maher recently bemoaned the furor over the drug, saying the pandemic has exposed how people politicize medication such as the drug denied the dying Rochester man. “I mean, Ivermectin. It’s a drug. It’s not a politician,” Maher said. “It should not have any reputation, except, ‘Does it work or not?’”
An in vitro study of Ivermectin found the FDA-approved drug “inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2.” Critics note that in vitro means it was studied in test tubes, which is not the same as in vivo (in people). But, studies like that may explain a surprising number of medical professionals who consider ivermectin a Covid-19 slayer. High profile promoters of ivermectin include the physician advisor to Florida’s Governor DeSantis.
Forbes magazine chimed in as opposing the drug’s use as a Covid-19 treatment, saying “The pandemic has been replete with politicized discussions of non-pharmaceutical interventions, treatments, vaccines, and even the virus itself. None of this has served public health well. Too many people have fallen under the spell of unproven “cures” while foregoing clinically confirmed instruments, such as vaccines.”
Carter’s family and attorney pointed out that he had been vaccinated.
Pfizer scientists: Pfizer run on Covid money, antibodies better than vaccination – Project Veritas
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Covid 19: An Evidence-Based Guide
Key facts
COVID-19 can indeed be a terrible disease for a segment of the population but if news headlines are your only source of information, you may be surprised to discover that most have little to fear from the virus itself. Despite the frightening reports, experts in the field of epidemiology, microbiology and virology have enough evidence to come up with these key facts.
In at least 80% of cases, the virus produces either no symptoms or a mild cold-like illness. For most of the population, the infection fatality rate for COVID-19 is 0.15%-0.2%. This brings it close to seasonal flu which is around 0.1%-0.2%.
The vast majority of us have no risk of dying from COVID-19. Studies show that 99.94% survive COVID-19 and will be resistant for a long time. The QCovid risk calculator from Oxford University can be used to calculate your risk of death or hospitalisation. |
2. The people at risk from COVID-19 are clearly defined and should be protected with targeted measures. Children are not susceptible to it nor do they transmit the virus.
However, COVID-19 can be deadly for older and vulnerable people so it’s important to protect them. This will help eliminate hospital overcrowding. Nevertheless, the average age of someone who dies from COVID-19 is around 82 years. This is higher than the average life expectancy in the UK which is around 81 years. |
3. Lockdowns will prevent population immunity and prolong the problem. Isolating the vulnerable and allowing the remaining population to practice safe distancing has been a historically proven way of dealing with flu-like viruses. | |
4. Fear instilled by panic and hysteria in the media is causing more people to die. Many are refusing to seek medical care because they are afraid to leave their homes. Others have not received proper medical care because of new procedures put in place. | |
There is no strong medical evidence that face masks prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. This is even stated in government guidelines for businesses.
5. COVID-19 style social distancing has little to do with the historically proven practice of isolating sick people. There is no scientific evidence that these measures prevent the spread of the disease. |