Let me now leave the processing of the number one upset and return to where we left off. I was about to post an article on love and bliss when all this broke out. I’ll do that now.
From mud bath to heavenly cloud….
Under the influence of love and bliss, all problems disappear. I’m experiencing love and bliss at the moment so I’m speaking from experience.
[This is a good reminder to me after recent events. I totally forgot about the dissolving power of love and bliss. Let me take up again the practice of breathing love up from the heart.
When stress goes up, awareness goes down. I’m demonstrating that here.]
This experience certainly adds weight to the view that what’s most important to humans is how they feel.
Feeling this way, one has the sense that all outstanding business is complete.
If feeling this way completes all outstanding business, it says that feeling this way is what’s important (the end) rather than completing one’s outstanding business (the means to the end).
Feeling this way is obviously therefore a destination (in fact the destination). Everything past this point is deeper and deeper still.
This is the condition, when it gives way to ecstacy, that signals us that we’ve finished the task that keeps us in dimensionality.
We’ve reached the Twelfth Dimension, the plane of completion and are contemplating the beyond.
I fantasize that Franklin Merrell Wolff was looking from such a place when he wrote:
“We attain glimpses of Consciousness so Transcendent, rising level upon level, that the senses fairly reel before the awe-inspiring Grandeur.
“Here, certainly, is space for evolution far beyond the highest possibility of man as man.” (1)
“Beyond the highest possibility of man as man” – that sounds like a description of the Twelfth Dimension looking out upon the Transcendent.
Before the onset of love and bliss, if I’d have made a very positive assertion, like I have here, a dissenting voice would arise within me. How do you know that? Don’t be so sure. Etc.
But, once inside the flow of love and bliss, these thoughts are gone. They’re just absent and in their place are these two states, which banish worry and fear.
I’m talking about them so much I’m failing to enjoy them.
I’m reminded of a remarkable exchange I had with the Divine Mother in which I was very serious with her, wanting her to confirm or refine an important theory of mine, and she did confirm it and then told me to en-lighten up.
I should include the whole passage because, if you’re like me, you need tons of permission to play and she gives it here:
Steve: The Source, the One wants to know itself. Is that correct?… And it can’t because it’s everything. So … it’s taken the aspect of Yourself and designed a universe in order for us to learn our true identities. The moment of Enlightenment is when God meets God. Is that correct?
Divine Mother: That is correct, but, as your Mother, I also say to you, dearest Heart, lighten up and play. So, yes, it is designed this way, that there are an infinite number of faces to Source.
You see when human beings, my sweet children, say they are seeking God and God is seeking them and there is a point of full conjunction, there is a sense of work about it. But part of the design is the delight of it.
It is the delight of so many expressions of beauty, of might, of strength, of patience, of humility. It is the hilarity and, yes, it is also the intensity. So it is not just the direct, what you think of as, work to reunite. It is the journey of joy. That is why Michael and and all of my Legions are so continually emphatic about claiming the joy.
It is not intended to be a journey of hardship, of being maligned and feeling burdened. Those burdens, that heaviness (which I of course do not deny is very present), are human creations. The design is for each being, whether it is a snail or a flower or a human, to be the joy. (2)
That is such a helpful clarification. My theory has not only been confirmed by the Creator (Mother) but she gave me some hard-nosed permission-giving to play as well. I feel deeply encouraged.
The nearest I come to play is allowing myself to rise aloft in the face of bliss.
Interestingly I’m perpetually drawn to stillness, rather than activity. There are infinite faces to God and so I’ll be joyfully still and, when not, playfully and lovingly interactive. (3)
But even concerns about path and balance go out the window when one is in the flow of this transformative, transfigurative love. The good, the bad, and the ugly are simply no longer present and in their place is the most satisfying and intimate stream of pleasure coming up from the heart and out to the world….
(1) Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973, 17.
(2) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.
(3) You know that I’m reparenting myself.
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