I love it when Gigi produces excerpts of the higher wisdom she brings through. This is a 6 minute investment of your time that’s well worth a watch…but it requires full attention.
Or…you can just read her notes ~
As we move towards the golden age, we shift through recapitulations of the previous eras on earth. This allows us to have the opportunity to overcome any past karma that is contained in that era. This process of clearing builds the foundation of the next age. All ages are a continuum of each previous era.
Inter-dimensionals, often called ET’s, also begin to become more obvious to humanity. While many perceive them as being external entities from different planets with no real connection to the earth, they actually represent other eras of the earth. Only when the human mind becomes too materialistic and externally focused does it view inter-dimensionals as disconnected from the earth and humanity.
The development of one’s sovereign individuality becomes the defining practice for the approaching new age as it is our individual choice and unique energy that determines the details of our next incarnation.