This is a cleaving open of the heart center in the highest degrees.
The cleaving open to the very core of the soul.
No hiding places anymore.
Yes you are being broken open. Scattered. Cleaved.
Yet see: – What is being broken away and being scattered are but the old remnants of you, the old personas, the old acting roles, the old unforgiveness, the shame, blame and guilt.
The pretense.
All which no longer serves you and all which you cannot carry with you into the new embodiment and the New Earth.
And out of the cleaving open, the scatterling of broken pieces, the new and empowered true you is born, the highest truth of your soul! Who and what you in truth are!
Through this all the ever presence of Divine Love is lifting you, reshaping you and rebirthing you.
The Power of Love!
And you will be giving visions, guidance and indeed the full knowledge of your soul is being returned.
True love in the highest and purest degrees.
Judith Kusel