by Lee Carroll, July 12, 2021, FaceBook post
It doesn’t matter what you do! Your light helps this planet, not your works. Your search for who you are helps this planet.
Personal insight from Lee:
I love this channeling and message, since it speaks to a process that is not obvious, but beautiful. Let me rephrase what Kryon has said: “The process of searching for truth within your own life, creates a light that actually is beneficial for the entire planet.”
In a very linear world, there is nothing gained by your study until you apply it. However, here we are looking at a very multidimensional rule: Just the act of trying to find truth, creates some kind of energy that goes right into the planet, others around you, and the essence of your own body.
Have you ever been excited when you are reading things that are uplifting? That energy is created and soars to other places. You created it! I love the whole idea of this, and it makes me want to learn even more about the love of God.
Pulling this card is a very strong reminder that you are doing exactly what Kryon says enhances this planet. You are Searching for Light. I invite you to ponder this idea as you study more, and learn more about how the incredible processes of the Creator work for us all.