Credit: foodmenuideas.com
I’ve just heard the first report of a person breaking through to higher-dimensional love since Bright Star’s breakthrough four years ago. (1)
Undoubtledly many people have broken through. This is just the first report I’ve heard personally.
A close friend was listening to Eckhart Tolle, burst into an experience of love, and was ecstatic. From the sound of her voice and her enthusiasm, I’d say that it was the genuine article.
It was not permanent, which points to it being a fourth-chakra event. But, if it were permanent so that she lived continuously and fully in the experience of transformative love, I’d call that Ascension.
I texted the news to Sitara, whose friend she also is and asked her if I could quote her reply:
“When popcorn starts to pop in the pan, first one kernel goes… then a pause; then another; and a shorter pause; then two or three; then more … and then there is a machine gun firing of the rest of the kernels in the pan till it stops, and there’s a pause and then the last kernel pops.”
Sitara is a pillar which means she’s voluntarily agreed to be among the last kernels to pop.
Gosh, I hope she’s right.
Let’s be clear about what just happened. To say that a person broke through to higher-dimensional love is to say that they had a heart opening. Let me insert what Michael said back in 2019 about the progress of the planetary heart opening – all the popcorn kernels popping:
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2019.
Steve: Could you give us an update on the progress of the planetary heart opening?
Archangel Michael: Yes. Well, of course it is global and in fact it is a bigger event than even you will assume, [in terms of impact] on planetary systems.
But the global opening of the heart, the awakening and the activation, shall we say, of heart intelligence, of being anchored in that area of the heart is progressing phenomenally well.
Now have you ever noticed, in the gardens of your paradise, that there are flowers that open to the daylight sun and close at sunset?
There are some (not most, let us be clear about that) but there are some in their reticence, their resistance, even in their reluctance to admit that they are expanding in this way, who are attempting to restrict and close off what they are feeling because this heart opening is not merely a feeling of bliss, euphoria, love, and expansion.
As you well know, and as you’ve had many conversations about this with friends and allies, for some it is experienced as a physical sensation and at times a physical sensation that causes alarm. This is particularly true in those that are not fully anchored or familiar with the esoteric mechanics of their chakras or of their hearts.
But for some (who are well aware), it still proceeds or presents as a physical pain, almost like an anxiety attack. (2) So these are the ones (not because they are not prepared to go forward; let me be clear about that), that, because they are having the sensations, are saying, “Oh wait a minute, I am not sure if this is a heart opening or a heart malfunction.”
Now we are not suggesting that the human race abandon their reliance upon Western or Eastern or any form of energy healing. But this is a sensation that often occurs.
So we would say that the success of the heart opening is going forward very rapidly. It is almost as if it is a (from your perspective) domino effect. Because when one is also in contact or in community with those with an open heart, it has that catalytic effect on others as well.
Now there is a wait factor here which you have also spoken of in that that wait factor is for those that are strongly, not only reluctant, but still resistant or recalcitrant to such a shift in what the very definition of what it means to be human.
But we would say you are well past the halfway mark, dear hearts.
Of course the wish is father to the thought. I can’t wait for the planetary heart opening. So, yes, I’d be eagerly scanning the horizon.
But, as my friend now knows, one taste of this nectar and you’d join me in my enthusiasm. Let’s hope hers is the first domino.
Where will it leave us? Michael tells us:
“Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, [for you] to have an experience of love, it moves through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, [the love experienced in a heart opening] will purge many of your remaining illusions.
“So, for some, will it be dramatic? Yes. But it will also be gentle, because it is love. So the human beings can choose to have high drama or not, but the essence of the love is not high drama.” (3)
I’m going to finish with something else Michael said, reminding us that there is no end to the depth of love:
“Let me tell you a secret. And it is a secret that I wish for you to share far and wide. With the opening of your heart, of any person’s heart (and even when they believe that they have opened their heart), there is always room for greater and greater, and grander and bigger openings.” (4)
All the wonderful movies, where higher-dimensional figures are depicted coming in and wisely speaking, what isn’t made clear is the indescribable love whose depth cannot be measured that they’re all immersed in.
Mother, are we there yet? I wanna BE there!
(1) “Bright Star: An Account of a Heart Opening,” December 29, 2017, http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/12/29/bright-star-an-account-of-a-heart-opening/
(2) For me it was like a fifteen-inch battleship gun going off.
Michael continues:
“As you well know, the Mother’s love is infinite. As a person’s heart opens more and more, their mental clarity gets sharper and sharper and sharper. So when someone is thinking about, or trying to deal with, something like dementia, then what they do is open your heart. It feels counterintuitive but in fact that, that alone, is the solution.” ( Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) “Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, April 3, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/04/05/archangel-michael-go-with-the-ebb-and-the-flow-of-love/.