That may sound like just a glib statement, but in fact it’s 100% true – in my estimation.
Look at life this way.
The purpose of life is to know who we are, our essence, our true selves, our one identity.
We know the value of that to God: When one of us realizes who we really are, God meets God. For that meeting was everything we see (and don’t see) created.
If that’s the case, how do we learn our true identity?
Life is designed in such a way that, like a funnel, it slowly guides us back to God.
The universal laws are like the sides of the funnel, ever sending us back to a divine response, a divine knowing, a divine way of being.
And our desire for differentiation slowly ceases. Our love of the multitudinous gradually focuses on a singular love for love (and a desire to share it).
We come to rest in a love and bliss so deep and umbrageous that it satisfies us completely.
The universal laws don’t take a day off. They operate 24/7/365.
Slowly, as if by the hand of the potter, they mould us into better and better beings (the rough shape), and then finer and finer beings (the finished product), after which we’re fired in God’s kiln (we realize).
Much of our world doesn’t value this process or product. Some of our whistleblower revelations have shown the followers of darkness undermining the morals of society and morality itself. (1) Goodness has been under attack for decades. And now we’re pulling out of our downward plunge.
And look what we’ve learned from that?
Learning, learning, learning. I’ve decided not to have even a little resistance to this aspect of life. I commit to living my life in the fullest consciousness that life is an endless educational experience, a perpetual learning opportunity.
Not learning about how clouds form or cells function, as interesting and necessary as those may be. But learning about who we are, how we operate, and what life is all about.
(1) For instance, see “The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation (Repost),”