February 26, 2021
Dr. Peebles, from a group email session, channeled by Natalie Gianelli ~ Nataliegianelli.com
Each of you is doing bigger and better work than you might give yourself credit for.
You are experiencing greater awareness of the truth of who you are – the higher-self, the essence of divinity, the true consciousness. It is there working with you, through you, for you, whether you are aware of it or not.
It is the same as the way in which the water in the pipes is constantly flowing. You can turn on the faucet and become aware of the water; but whether you are running your hands under the water or not, it is still there in the pipes. Just as the truth of who you are is assisting you and making the choices for you, with you and as you.
The mind, the inner child, the ego, will sometimes interrupt this flow, but cannot overtake it. As when you are listening to the radio, you might have a call from a friend. When you are involved in the call, you no longer hear the radio, but when you hang up, you are suddenly aware of it again.
The call did not interrupt or turn the radio off when you were on the phone, you were simply more engaged in the conversation and distracted from the radio. This is what is occurring when you have a moment of worry, overwhelm, despair or discouragement.
You are never alone, the rug is never being pulled out from under you, the radio has never been turned off. You are simply distracted by whatever feels more present for you.
This isn’t something you have to fix. We would not want you to tell your friend, “I can’t talk to you right now, I’m listening to the radio.”
But if you notice that what the friend is talking about is worrisome, overwhelming, fearful or unkind, in those moments, you can pause and remind yourself, “The truth of who I am is working through me at all times and at this moment, I would prefer to listen to my heart.” We want to make sure you pat yourselves on the back, give yourselves a lot of kudos.
Dr. Peebles (1822–1922) was a medical doctor, naturopath, ordained minister, medium and author. His messages of love and transformation reach people across the globe through multiple mediums on a daily basis. ~Natalie Gianelli