I’m going to look at NESARA in a few days and would like a few of Matthew Ward’s discussion of it available to us.
Matthew’s Message, April 16, 2016, at https://www.matthewbooks.com
Although the term is not used, its purpose—to stabilize the global economy by putting all currencies on the gold standard—is one of several provisions in NESARA, the acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act, that was written by some of Earth’s Golden Age master planners in collaboration with evolved residents of Earth.
Even today relatively few people are aware of this United States legislation signed by President Bill Clinton in 2000 because those who knew about it were bound by a “gag order” that he and other Illuminati members of the government imposed.
After the Act became publicized to some extent via dissemination of information transmitted by off-planet sources to their receivers, the government set up a disinformation website—National Economic Stabilization [later changed to Security] and Recovery Act—and incorrect information about NESARA was circulated to mislead people who had heard about it. Never has it been an investment program nor does it include the delivery of “prosperity packages,” depositing millions of dollars in bank accounts or cancelling legitimate debts. (1)
The authentic NESARA was to be announced worldwide and go into effect on September 12, 2001. To prevent that world-changing event, President George W. Bush and his Illuminati colleagues ordered the infamous betrayal of their country commonly known as “9/11.” That also let them move forward on their pre-planned invasion of [Afghanistan and] Iraq under the “war on terror” banner.
It would be natural to wonder why a program that has monumental global ramifications began with legislation in the United States. First, NESARA’s provisions had to be framed within your laws; otherwise, it would be a matter of souls from other civilizations imposing their ideas upon the people of Earth and universal laws prohibit that kind of interference, even when it is in the people’s best interests.
Second, it was imperative that the profound changes the Act contains be implemented first in the United States because it was the most Illuminati-ridden and the most powerful nation in your world. Although the latter status now shares the spotlight, that government’s actions still heavily influence what happens in many other countries.
And it was necessary to act on NESARA’s provision that changes the United States’ corporate status – that had been surreptitiously set up by the Illuminati – to a republic, as was intended by the colonists who waged the war for independence.
The Act’s primary economic thrust is something that could not be spelled out in any legislation: legally obtaining the vast wealth that has been illegally and immorally amassed by the Illuminati and using those funds to eliminate impoverishment, which, by and large, is of their creating. (2) Let us cite an example that you may remember from previous messages.
The earthquake that devastated Haiti was caused by the Illuminati’s weather-control technology; after the quake, former US presidents Bush and Clinton went there to divert into their own pockets the monies donated for aid and reconstruction. As for the people of Haiti, these six years later still are living in unsanitary, substandard conditions just as before the earthquake hit, and many residences are makeshift hovels amidst the rubble of destroyed communities.
The unconscionable disparity between the haves and the have-nots in your world caused an imbalance in Earth’s energy field that must be remedied and other NESARA provisions also are designed to do that. They cancel debts incurred through IMF loans; end usurious interest rates; topple the privately-owned Federal Reserve System, whose tentacles span the globe, and its collection agency, the IRS; and end the currency trading that has enabled the Illuminati to reap fortunes, and that is where global reset fits in.
Matthew’s Message, May 4, 2020.
NESARA is the United States legislation National Economic Security and Reformation Act. GESARA is the same, but Global replaces National so the Act is applicable worldwide.
There has been “help from heavenly forces” from the onset. The very concept of NESARA came from the Highest Universal Council planners of Earth’s Golden Age [Steve: Of which Matthew was a member], and St. Germaine was one of the principals who composed the Act, which was signed into law about 20 years ago.
It is a legal document so its provisions can be only political and economic, but its purpose is no less than world transformation. As an indication of the Act’s vital significance, the Illuminati prevented its scheduled announcement September 12, 2001, by staging the terrorism you know as “9/11.”
Because subsequent efforts to announce NESARA also were futile, its aspects have been implemented incrementally thanks to the perseverance of volunteer lightworkers from other civilizations.
In short, the structure to replace malevolent control of your world has been in place from the beginning, and souls with spiritual and moral integrity will continue moving this divine plan forward.
(Many messages archived on www.matthewbooks.com contain comprehensive information about the Act. Typing NESARA in the search blank on the menu will access those messages.)
(To be concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) That is not to say that the “Prosperity Programs” don’t exist; even the Reval could be considered one of them; it’s just to say that they were not begun as part of “NESARA.”
(2) By President Trump’s Executive Order of Dec. 21, 2017, blocking the property of persons accused of serious human-rights abuses. It’s intended that these sequestered funds be re-introduced into the economy by lightworkers who serve as “pipelines.”