I intend this as an introductory pamphlet that can be printed off and used by lightworkers to explain, from our point of view, what’s happening in the world.
Have you landed on this page because you’re wondering what in the world is going on?
If so, you may be jumping from site to site, looking for the answer.
Sometimes you may come upon an answer and then find something wrong with it that wasn’t apparent from the beginning and you move on.
To help you find whether this site is what you’re looking for, let me state where I (the other editors have their own perspective) am coming from.
I call myself a “lightworker.” That means, in practical terms, that I serve the Divine Mother to the best of my ability. I also serve Archangel Michael.
I’m a “truther” as well and a supporter of the Alliance of military and political leaders who are, as we speak, freeing the planet from management by what John F. Kennedy called a “secret society.” That society is known as the Illuminati, deep state, cabal, New World Order, etc.
I’m also a happy user of channeled literature. I’ve created several databases on (A) the Ascension events you’re presently inquiring into, as well as (B) life after death and (C) enlightenment (the purpose of life) and the Trinity (what there is to realize). (1)
These were created as resources for you and for this time.
Since 1974 I believed that I’d find the most reliable and advanced discussions of things in credible channeled literature – and I feel greatly rewarded by what I’ve found.
Our channeled sources have been telling us, for centuries really, (2) about the events of this period. So just be aware that we post the perspective from channeled sources.
I call them “the Company of Heaven,” one name among many. They include the Divine Mother (the active face of God and God’s only voice – the Voice of One crying in the wilderness of the Transcendental), the celestials (including the elohim), our star family, terrestrial ascended masters, terrestrial afterlife communicators, and so on.
Depending on the resolution of the microscope, this is what they tell us is happening.
If we go far out in resolution, for the most panoramic view, then what’s happening can be summarized in one word: Ascension.
What is Ascension?
As the heavenly bodies rotate and revolve, they pass through a series of ages. These ages are organized into cycles. We’re at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
You can say the Piscean Age is passing and the Aquarian Age beginning. You can say the Dark Age (Kali Yuga) is ending and the Golden Age (Sat Yuga) is opening. Every spiritual tradition probably has a name for what’s happening right now.
You’re probably looking around and saying. “What Golden Age?” Well, as this planet’s ruling elites see the masses rousing themselves from their sleep of ages, we’re witnessing resistance from both. But let me come back to that later.
At the end of every cycle, there comes an opportunity – if we can hold the higher, more refined vibrations – to ascend to a different and higher frequency of existence.
The way life works apparently is that there are different societies existing at different frequencies, the lower being unaware of the higher. These frequencies are usually called “dimensions,” sometimes “planes.” All of this and why it is so becomes understandable if we first comprehend the purpose of life (for more on that, see footnote 3).
If we can hold the frequency of the next higher dimension at this time of Ascension, we’ll get to re-establish ourselves there, in no small measure due to the huge assistance we’re getting from the Company of Heaven (in a word, waves and waves of stronger and stronger love).
What we call “Ascension,” like everything else, is known by different names in different religions. Jesus (or the New Testament) called Ascension the Rapture, Salvation, and Resurrection. The Buddha called it buddhahood and nirvana. Hindus have called it Moksha, Mukti, Vijnana, and Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi. This whole site is about it in one way or another.
The ascended one need go no more out of the temple (of the higher dimensions). They would have immortal life (i.e., they would never need to be reborn into physicality). They would sit with Jesus in heaven (i.e., the Fifth-Seventh Dimensions). (4) There are many discussions of Ascension but they aren’t known for what they really are.
Ascension is both a gradual and a sudden process. Our bodies change slowly from a carbon-based structure to a crystalline one. That makes it more refined and able to withstand the purer states we’ll be in. But the conversion takes time.
After our gradual preparation, there will be a final “snap,” Archangel Michael called it. (5) This is Sahaja Samadhi, which will permanently and fully open our hearts. This event formally marks the culmination of our Ascension. (6)
There may be other sudden events along the way, most particularly, a partial and temporary heart opening.
The story of the folks here to help us with Ascension, the folks who are choosing not to go with us, where we’re headed, where we’ve been so far is fascinating.
So let’s start there. We’re in a period of Ascension, during which everyone who can live, exist, and thrive in the more refined vibrations of the Fifth Dimension will find themselves gradually and then suddenly ascending.
The experience will be like opening to a whole new world of consciousness at the same time as being flooded with a love of a kind that we never dreamed existed. You’ll find libraries of articles about it on this site, several databases connected to it, an archive of radio shows with the Company of Heaven, lists of articles by categories, more info than we ever dreamed of producing! More info than you might have ever dreamed of reading.
I predict that it’s the beginning of a library of Ascension-related information that will later be read by other civilizations as well as our own.
Tomorrow we’ll discuss one other group among the cast of millions: our star family.
(1) They are First Contact at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=First_Contact; New Maps of Heaven at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=New_Maps_of_Heaven; and From Darkness Unto Light at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=From_Darkness_to_Light.
(2) For instance, “Imperator” (the prophet Malachi) was describing Ascension in the 1870s. See:
- “Imperator” speaking through Stainton Moses. Spirit Teachings. London: Spiritualist Press, n.d. (Prior to 1883).
- Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Electronically published by Meilach.com. http://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mspteach.htm
- Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Spirit Writings. Electronically published by Meilach.com. http://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mst02.htm
- Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Trance Teachings. Electronically published by Meilach.com. http://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mst01.htm.
(3) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf
(4) For Julia Ames’ account of sitting with Jesus after her transition, see “Julia Experiences Self-Realization upon Meeting Jesus, Amid a Heavenly Host” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Christ_Sphere#Julia_Experiences_Self-Realization_upon_Meeting_Jesus.2C_Amid_a_Heavenly_Host
(5) “When we have what you would call that critical mass, we will have that, shall we say, that snap.” (“Transcript ~ Archangel Michael Explains How the Plan Unfolds in the Midst of Creative Chaos, December 15, 2016,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=285447.)
Archangel Michael: Everyone is at different stages. And for some the snap will be far more significant than for others: that is why there is a period of adjustment.
But the level of great awakening that is already occurring, all over your planet with the exhaustion of the human race is the best news that we have witnessed in a long time.
So, for some, they have already ascended. And that is what sweet Kathleen feels: she knows that the awakening has already occurred and there are already many flying in and out, and that they don’t require a snap.
Some will require the ‘Full-Snap.’ (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 21, 2014.)
(6) Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to. And I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?
Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of with your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)