(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Which brings me to my point. We’re always creating culture. But we need to understand what we’re creating and reparent ourselves if we don’t like what we see.
The overall context for this is that we’re in the middle of a planetary consciousness shift and so we need to have a global conversation about the human side of what’s transpiring.
The task is to build Nova Earth and this global conversation is how we go about doing it. In particular, you and I are creating a global culture, starting 2021.
Both understanding and reparenting ourselves as a planet, so to speak, will probably become essential to our leaving behind the ways that didn’t work for us in what has often been a bloody past.
Sometimes part of a global culture is not to do something, but to stop. And stopping war is the most obvious and important example of that.
In my personal case it would be to radically stop trying to control others. I don’t say that as a control freak. I’m probably just about normal, a little worse than some, a little better than others. But it hasn’t worked for me in the past and it won’t in the future.
Gosh, I must sound like Ricky Gervais, but, for this relative terrestrial newbie, that’s the way it is for me. If you see yourself in it, it’ll save you the pain of everything hid being revealed to just own it!
One part of a global culture, then, is to renounce control, except where safety and other emergencies are concerned.
After the dinosaurs left the planet, the nimble mammals came out from their hidden reaches and began building again. Literally, the meek inherited the Earth.
This is a new year. And we are those nimble mammals.