Jonathan Van Valin – What is Whole is Healed
As the mind stills, its thoughts still, and separation stills.
In stillness, divisions fall away. As divisions fall away, oneness (wholeness) is at hand. And what is whole is healed.
Sometimes people come seeking healing. Sometimes physical healing, sometimes psycho-spiritual healing. Often, they don’t really know why they’ve come, they just felt attracted to doing so, and end up with some sort of healing experience anyway. They often find it hard to put into words. Sometimes they come with questions, and find that the answers arrive in a sort of healing experience, rather than words.
In stillness, divisions fall away. As divisions fall away, oneness (wholeness) is at hand. And what is whole is healed.
So what the heck is going on here? In this regular, worldly dimension… how can we understand this? It depends on the frame of reference. On the… “level of perception.”
From one level of perception, the stillness of a healer seems to heal another in some way. From this perspective it seems like the healer caused this healing. Sometimes the seeker feels moved to thank the healer profusely, as if they did something very special for them. Sometimes they ask if it was tiring, as if great energy was spent on the effort. From this level of perception, all of this makes sense. Any experience of healing is a release of some sort, and offers the seeker a little greater freedom, which is nice. This is helpful for what it offers… …and there is more to be seen.
In stillness, divisions fall away. As divisions fall away, oneness (wholeness) is at hand. And what is whole is healed.
At another level of perception, the stillness of a healer seems to cause stillness within the seeker, and so their healing seems to come from their own stillness. It seems that the stillness “over here” ignites a sort of stillness “over there.” As the seeker finds this stillness within themselves, they have a healing experience. In this, they recognize that the source of healing was within themselves (not the healer) and therefore available to them always. As such, they experience a greater level of freedom, as they are no longer limited to seeking healing from “out there” among the very limited resources available. They see that the source of healing is ever present, within. Good news, indeed! This often fills them with gratitude, which they often share with the healer. How lovely!
Often, people waver back and forth between these two levels of perception for a long time.
In stillness, divisions fall away. As divisions fall away, oneness (wholeness) is at hand. And what is whole is healed.
At another level of perception, the stillness does not seem to be emanating specifically from the healer, or from the small, egoic, individuated sense of self within the seeker. There is no sense of it originating from individuated selves at all. It just seems like an ineffable, universal stillness that precipitates healing. From here, people often feel gratitude overflowing… that they cannot specifically direct towards anyone in particular; and is often greater than they have words to adequately express. So, they often end up thanking God. Whether they’ve ever done that before or not.
At the “highest” level, the stillness is ever present. Wholeness just is, eternally without end, and healing is unnecessary in the first place. There is no sense of individuated selves at all. No healer, no healed. Anything other than perfect wholeness is recognized as a false projection; an illusion without any innate reality at all. There is nothing to be done; no words possible; healing is absurd. There is nothing but perfect peace.
All of these perceptions are fine. You come to healing as you are… you experience healing based upon whatever level of perception you have. All of them are fine! In the end, healing is healing. Healing, and the love that underlies it is what is meaningful, regardless of the “level” of perception. Come. Come to this! Just come towards healing. Let the rest sort itself out.
Bio: Jonathan travels, writes, creates media, and meets with people to share what’s been received. His essential function is to help remove the blocks to awareness of our deepest being and live from the peace that pours forth. You are warmly invited towards this.
Jonathan has led an outwardly ordinary life, during which a long series of inner events pointed him towards relinquishing much of that life in favor of awakening and a radical falling away of egoic self.
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