By Sharon Stewart
Sharon: You’re angry and you’re letting your anger run your life. You’re not free. You’re caught up in patterns of revenge. These need to be released. I’ll let Ivo describe how to do that.
Ivo: This is why, my love, forgiving your perpetrators is necessary.
Forgiveness is not so much for them; it is for you.
So that you can release your anger and release patterns of revenge in your life. This is you believing perhaps that you are getting them back, but the only person you are getting back at is yourself.
Your parents do not realize that you dated these men because they were replacements for your father, and I frankly doubt your father would care. They, as narcissists, have always seen your behaviour as being your fault. They took no responsibility in raising you and they certainly took no responsibility in your adulthood. You were their scapegoat. They blamed everything on you.
What you need to do to forgive is to wish them happiness, joy, love, abundance, health, wealth…. whatever you can think of.
Then watch the resistant thoughts come up. And they will.
Those are the things you must make note of because they are further angers that need to be dealt with.
Me: Such as, can you give us an example?
Ivo: Perhaps you wish your father prosperity. You wish him to have all the wealth money could possibly buy. Unlimited. Then you hear thoughts of, “If he hadn’t spent it all, we would have been far better off as a family.” That must be looked at. Do you really believe your family actually needed more money or perhaps other things instead, such as love and some wisdom. Then you ask yourself how you can give these things to yourself now, as an adult. Because obviously that is not your parents’ role anymore.
Me: LOL Yes.
Ivo: If you come up with a response of, “He was so cheap. He never bought me anything. Just one Archies 45 when I was ten.” What are you not looking at? Are you not looking at the fact that he earned all the family’s money and were it not for his being employed that you would have gone without much more than you had?
Me: Yes. I was amazed that he knew I liked the Archies when I was ten. That really blew me away.
Ivo: He noticed.
Me: Well, sometimes narcissists notice for the wrong reasons, like so they can torment you with what they know about you, and he certainly did that too, but that surprised me.
Ivo: So for those looking to forgive, you must go through all the reasons you can find that you would not want the utmost of happiness, love and prosperity for the person you are angry with.
Because it is for your own sake that you forgive, that you can be released of anger and that you can be released of repetitive cycling of people and lessons in your life.
Me: Yes. What was it the Who sang about, their boss, in Won’t Get Fooled Again? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss….. I got that with boyfriends. Meet the new love, same as the old love. Why? Because you’re not progressing. So your life looks like a broken record.
Ivo: For those who wish to be free of pain, this is the way forward.
You must be willing to admit that you are at fault in some ways.
Stop finger pointing because that does not help.
Yes, you were in a less than perfect scenario with others, but you played a part as well.
You came to earth to correct these problems, to help to ascend the mindset of those upon the planet, and this is how you chose to help.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: Wish the best for all always. And the same will come to you.