On International Peace Day, September 21st, 2020, there are hurricanes in the East and wildfires in the West around North America.
Could the weather be an outward manifestation of how we feel collectively?
How do we find balance within to create balance without?
In the Universal Law of As Within So Without, As Above So Below, Balance, Sanat Kumara asked us to send energy to the places of “war” and whether it be hurricanes, fires, or actual war, he said this Law is a practical example of how things work — the knowing that there is no “war” above — period.
He told us above is a place of harmony; it is not a place of turmoil, anger or frustration; that that does not exist and therefore there is no room for it below.
SK recommended we envision alignment — as if there is a cloud of Heaven above Earth — with the Light pouring down filled with Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth, Peace.
Aligning with the Divine Qualities of Peace,
Love, Divine Law we are powerful.
From each of our hearts, SK said we have the capacity to send directly to the heart of “war” that sense of peace, and yes, it is the colour blue.
The key to “war”
is to send the peace.
Please join us today and everyday
sending PEACE and LOVE
that VISION.
Thank you.