My big worry is that folks, including us lightworkers, will get very much more irritable as the election approaches.
It may be that way until it’s over and may get even worse.
The election and rising energies could bring up a terrific amount of unprocessed frustration, anger, and hatred. Those in these parts may see their vasanas really going off.
Therefore, I do think it’s a good time to discuss the rise of vasanas or core issues and how to handle them. (1)
Anyone who doesn’t know how to process a vasana is in jeopardy of projecting their anger onto another. (2) And we see this on the streets of our cities, in cases where the rage is not bought and paid for.
The rageful either stand on principle or maintain that the other person “got what they deserved,” because, after all, “you made me mad.” (3)
If you’ll permit me to say so, in my view, this way of responding has no future.
However, there is a response that will last into the future – a future in which that response will at some point be unnecessary because we’ll be swimming in transformative love.
I believe that way is to feel the feelings, name them, ask the mind to send up a picture of the original triggering incident, and then “be with” (observe and feel) everything that arises when the original situation is seen, until the upset passes. I’ve called this the “upset clearing process.” (4)
Yelling energizes the vasana, making our outbursts worse over time and turning us into a living fossil. Being with it decreases its energy. We may have to repeat the process but we’ll have taken a bite out of the vasana.
Yes, processing takes more time than yelling at someone. Except that if we yell at someone, it creates residue – resentment at being yelled at, defiance, distance, etc. People drift apart after a while.
I feel myself more and more distancing myself from all the election is giving rise to. I think that it – or situations related to it – is what’s behind most of the anger and outrage that we’re feeling.
It’s interesting. That’s what Michael asked of me anyways.
But now I feel within myself … I have to use the words … a rising disgust at the lengths some people are going to to defeat their opponent, the cabal’s use of agents provocateurs to loot and burn, the meme war which makes any kind of discussion superficial, etc.
I could continue to follow it journalistically. But there’s no nourishment in it.
As well, and critically, no one’s reporting of current events seems particularly reliable and the chances of reposting propaganda and disinformation is high.
There’s nothing in me that hankers to be doing fact-checking in a situation based in subterfuge. But, contrarily, I do hanker to write an article on spiritual evolution or the purpose of life.
I’m tempted to say that my corner of the world is about to go insane for a few months. Do not adjust your set. The fault lies with the programming.
One day passes. Two days pass and I can’t bring myself to read any more of even the alternative news sites. I’m ready to change the program.
I’ll let the matter develop on its own. But I hunger for more than an election season is probably going to bring. Especially one in which the deep state and Alliance are locked in mortal combat.
(1) Not like I’m a paragon myself. Although with Constant Comment gone, I’m doing better.
(2) Or introjecting it into themselves. But these people less often come to our attention like those who project do.
(3) The statement is untrue and reflects a lack of understanding of the way we work. We make ourselves mad. Our vasanas play a role in it.
(4) How to process a vasana is laid out in “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at But what I just said is the essence of it.