Today I saw clearly how lightworkers keeping the peace make a tremendous contribution.
The worst atrocities are committed when people are whipped into a frenzy. All logic, reason, and compassion seem to go out the window. Hitler and Mussolini relied on this effect.
If people refuse to get whipped up, then we’re very hard to persuade to commit wrongs.
Just by our keeping the peace, we rob the deep state of the foundation on which to divide and conquer the world populace. I see that very clearly in this moment. I think Michael would call this knowledge from inside.
Control of the U.S. presidency, military, and banking system are crucial to the cabal. This presidential campaign is their last chance to hold on to what power they have left. However, rather than acknowledge defeat, they’re resisting till the end and trying to burn the place down. (1)
I assert that these kinds of events are going to be more common than we’d like from now till the day after the election. They may escalate. As the Federation of Light said, once we’re in the storm, we’ll look back on this period, with its riots and pandemics, as the calm before it.
To be a force for peace, we have to be a force for unity. As I walk my city’s streets, I see people more isolated from each other than I’ve ever seen them. It’s as if we don’t exist for each other.
It may turn out to be quite a walk back from this isolation to caring about each other again.
I request of people to remember that we’re in this together. As digital warriors, we may have to endure censorship, lockdowns, financial stress. It may seem challenging at times to keep our sanity.
But if we can remember that there’s nothing to be gained from tearing each other apart, we’ll save ourselves a lot of bruises which only have to be healed and forgiven later on. We know where we’re headed so there’s no reason to fear failure.
My appeal here is to remain united at this time. Any disunity that arises in reaction to the events of the next three months will simply have to be walked back and healed later on. I urge us to value unity now. Solidarity in peace will deny the cabal its desired victory over us.
(1) Given that they “off” their “enemies, as John Kennedy pointed out, I can well imagine that they fear that the same fate awaits them. Some sources claiming to be lightworkers are claiming that people are being executed for being child traffickers. I sincerely hope that this intel is not true.
John Kennedy’s “Secret Societies” Speech, April 17, 1961