Events are happening faster than we can write articles on, so we’re switching to a summary format for some articles.
Some subjects may be too uncomfortable to read. We ask you to use discernment in your choice.
Skirting the meme war does not affect the subjects we cover; only the sources we use to cover them.
We may judge some information from a biased source as good and credible and post an extract (only) from that article.
Thanks to Sitara for the videos and stories that follow.
North Carolina police officers kneel with protesters
Death of George Floyd sparks widespread outcry around the world
(Read more:
Australian Viewpoint:
Protests Sweep Across the U.S.
Portland Police kneel with protesters
Atlanta Police Walk with Protesters
2020 06 02 Update – Simon Parkes
Double click on image to go to Hooktube.
Simon Parkes gives us the benefit of his commentary on this pivotal moment in. history.