(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
The timing of anything that happens to us lies in the hands of the Mother and the celestials.
They decide when we’ll get enlightened and whether they’ll give us the full-meal deal or just a tantalizer.
I’ve demonstrated their participation in the timing and extent of my experiences in footnote 1. So it’s they who set the agenda.
Remember that I’m a pillar and need to be here till the end. Not leaving early is an important consideration in this area.
In case you’re thinking, “how can I cover the distance?” that happens in a split second without input from us. It’s all laid on. Just buckle up for the ride.
Eventually we’re all going to go through this very experience twice: Once at the beginning and once at the end of our journey.
We’ll go through it once in our temporary, fourth-chakra heart opening and again in a full and permanent heart opening at Sahaja Samadhi or Ascension, beyond the Third-Dimensional chakra system.
We experience real love with our whole body, not just in the region of the heart, as normally. The entirety of us is involved in real love. There isn’t a sense that’s not fulfilled.
But you wouldn’t study it. If you’re in it, what need is there to study it? If I’m sitting on a thirty-foot-high pile of gold, what need is there for me to read a book on how to make money? (2)
Is love the antidote to all that’s happening in the world? I think it is.
It’s interesting. The thugs breaking windows have to do more and more and more. To keep up fear, they have to regularly give people fresh cause to fear. That takes work. Their efforts require constant maintenance and replenishment.
Love requires no maintenance or replenishment. It requires no work. There’s nothing I need to do. There’s something I wish to do and that is to find others to share this love with, since it needs to flow.
Thank heavens, I can share it here.
Love is the answer to all our problems because it provides us with everything we really want. We’re totally satisfied once we find ourselves immersed in this form of love.
Can outer baptism in the River Jordan be symbolic of inner baptism in the River of Love?
This kind of love is our destiny and this kind of love is the answer to all the problems our societies face.
(1) I want you to see the role that the celestials and the Mother play in our enlightenment. The Mother acknowledges truncating a fourth-chakra enlightenment experience here:
Steve: The experience at Xenia, Mother, was that truncated?
Divine Mother: Slightly, yes. … If you had seen the light as it actually is, yes, a million, billion suns… You would have simply departed. …
We don’t mean die but you would have departed the life that you have designed – yes, with us, for yourself, for the service you are providing – you would have departed and simply said, “I do not need to do this. I will just simply sit in the bliss of love and good luck, everybody!” (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.)
Michael acknowledged that he played a role in it too:
Archangel Michael: We have unplugged you and, yes, it took some time and, shall we say, a few shocks and jolts. But what you have done is you have journeyed to the depths of your soul, to the depths of your core. (“Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia,” September 22, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/09/22/archangel-michael-explains-what-happened-at-xenia/
I journeyed to the bottom of the heart, to the seat of the soul. And there I gazed upon the soul/Self. But without seeing it in its full splendor.
That was a truncated form of fourth-chakra enlightenment. Now here he discusses his intervention in a truncated experience of seventh-chakra enlightenment, also called Brahmajnana.
Steve: [Emptiness of mind] was followed next by what appeared to be the kundalini completing its circuit at the seventh chakra. Is that in fact what happened?
AAM: Yes. Now it is part of the reset button. … And you are asking for the fullness of the program to come online so you turn off your computer and you restart it. That is what you did.
Steve: Hmm, interesting! Ordinarily you would experience Brahmajnana [seventh-chakra enlightenment] at that point but I felt that it had been muted, toned down.
AAM: When you use the term “dramatic enlightenment experiences” [as I did earlier], you are talking about Nirvana [Ascension, Sahaja Samadhi]. You are talking about the unity of all with One.
This is not to say that you will not experience that, but you cannot (well, you can if you wish; it is a choice to) simply remain in that state of unity, of One, or be fully conscious, in service, in action….
So, it is a toning down, if anything. It really is the middle ground. …
You know that enlightenment is right there in front of you. It is yours to access. But if you are in service, you will not choose to live there. …
You can think of it as keeping two feet firmly on the ground. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012. Hereafter AAM.)
When I asked him if I could have early Ascension, he replied:
AAM: You’re supposed to be here. … Stay put, dear heart. (AAM, Sept. 13, 2011.)
AAM: If you fully enter into the bliss, into the One, you will not be interested in returning and serving. It will be a different experience, and it is not the experience that you have selected and chosen for yourself at this time. (AAM, Feb. 14, 2012.)
Here again he acknowledges his participation in enlightenment:
“You have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week.” (“Archangel Michael on Truncated Experiences,” March 21, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/21/aam-on-truncated-experiences/.)
This is the reason why Ascension as a total process must be gradual.
I regard a spiritual teacher as one who has fully experienced advanced stages of enlightenment (at least Brahmajnana) and I’ve only done so in a partial, truncated manner.
I don’t choose to live in a state that impairs my ability to do my work and advanced stages of enlightenment would. For that reason, among others, I don’t choose to be a spiritual teacher.
(2) This point is made by Sri Ramakrishna here, not with gold but with water:
“When a flood comes from the ocean [i.e., enlightenment, heart opening], all the land is deep under water. Before the flood, the boat could have reached the ocean only by following the winding course of the river. But after the flood, one can row straight to the ocean.
“One need not take a roundabout course. After the harvest has been reaped [enlightenment], one need not take the roundabout course along the balk of the field. One can cross the field at any point.” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 320.)
And Krishna makes it here:
“When the whole country is flooded, the reservoir becomes superfluous. So, to the illumined seer, the Vedas are all superfluous.” (Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 40.)