Now that doctors are speaking out about the fraud behind the Coronavirus, (1) I imagine we can expect the world’s lockdown to end sooner than many have predicted. (Or for those doctors to be silenced and some killed.)
The hoped-for expectations of those who launched the pandemic appear to have been dashed. Matthew reminds us:
“What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because [star] family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent.” (2)
Meanwhile, the world, believe it or not, has had a taste of connectivity and freedom. Yes, we were locked down but we still had the Internet to share our experiences through.
People around the world were banging their pots and pans in tribute to medical workers and that was one sure taste of us all being in this together.
That the entire world should have been shut down because of a bioweapon, surely that shows the people of the world the lunacy of our militaristic governments.
The results are probably deeply disappointing – to them.
The pandemic must have been the cabal’s Plan B to bring the population down to the 500 million of the Georgia Guidestones. (3)
Plan A would have been a nuclear World War III, with the cabal existing in Deep Underground Military Bunkers (DUMBs), which, I’m led to believe, have to a large extent now been destroyed.
Plan A did not have a hope of working. The galactics have permission to intervene in any largescale planned attack similar in extent to 9/11, just not in the smaller ones. They’ve neutralized all nuclear weapons.
Plan B is only providing the Alliance or White Hats with the cover they needed to take the cabal down.
I’m sure we’re all impatient for this to be completed. We probably want to see that time arrive when, as Mike Quinsey said, “progress will be unhindered as previously when you had to experience the presence of those of lower vibrations.” (3) Those of diabolical and murderous intention may be more like it.
It makes me a little giddy to even think about making progress as a world.
Everyone on the planet has, in late winter/early spring 2020, had the same experience of working together to stem a global pandemic. For the first time probably in our lifetimes, we had a common threat that we all cooperated in defeating. The wonderment of such an effort having been mounted – and the ease with which the population peaceably responded – are quite remarkable in human history, outside of wartime.
We’re doing it. We’ve done it. We will do it. The world is to be congratulated.
Now we need to not surrender this sense of global unity when the lockdown is lifted. Once we can go outside on city streets and shop, the Alliance will have lost its cover; the populace will again be open to false-flag operations and school shootings.
Are we going to tolerate it? If not, how do we organize? What did we learn from our experience with Covid-19?
(1) “Dr. Rashid Buttar Exposes Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, and Falsified Pandemic Numbers,” Doctor blowing whistle on COVID 19,” at; “Dr. Shiva LIVE: Time for Truth about Coronavirus,” March 14, 2020, at
(2) Matthew’s Message, April 2, 2020, at
(3) “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in balance with nature.” (“Georgia Guidestones,” Wikipedia, at
(4) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, May 25, 2018, at