Recently, the Hathors through channel Daniel Scranton said very strongly, “Forgiveness means letting go of judgment, plain and simple.”
I couldn’t agree more! The Hathors say to “embrace the messiness” of being human:
“If you look at it as though every single individual, including yourself, that you judge you place in a type of prison cell and then you realize that you are carrying those prisoners in those prison cells around with you, you can see just how important it is to release your prisoners.
“Release your judgments.
“Release the burden of having to hold the higher moral ground, or of having to be perfect, or having to be only offering love and light all the time, because none of you have done this.
“So you might as well let go of that need for anyone else, including yourselves, to be a perfect moral example of what a human being can and should be.
“Instead, embrace the messiness that is this world where you live. Embrace all that have been on your world and that exist on your world as being your equals and your partners in co-creation.
“Realize that you have also played the role of the villain many times, and that as you release your judgment of someone you are witnessing in this world, in this lifetime, you are also releasing the judgment of yourself in that other incarnation where you did something very similar to what they are doing.”
When we forgive ourselves for our ‘perceived mistakes,’ it becomes much easier to be the compassionate observer of everything as we all come to balance on Gaia.
Back in April, 2013, on Heavenly Blessings radio show, Ascended Master Lao Tzu taught us about humility. He was asked about judging those who commit crimes:
“To understand that the axe murderer or the bomber or those who commit the most heinous acts … arrived with the purity of grace in their souls, and it did not die; it did not become lost. Was it ignored or covered [up]? Yes.
“But you see, the danger when you judge somebody else, you are judging yourself.
“So, you say, ‘Well that person is a murderer and look what they have done and they are horrible and they need to be punished.'”
He said when we make judgements like that we fall out of balance:
“And then what you are doing is you are setting yourself up so that you have to be ‘holier than thou’ and that you cannot dare misstep because then you have to put yourself in the same categories as those you have judged, and that is very painful.”
He went on to say each journey has many twists and turns and that it is helpful to look at what the heinous crime has created, about there being a positive outcome:
“There is a part of you that does not want to credit the murderer with the positive outcome.
“You want to take credit for those who have risen to the occasion but the catalyst for that positive behavior has come from what you judge as negative.
“So, truly it is safer and more rewarding internally to simply never judge, to say ‘I am compassionate because you have lost your way.'”
Lao Tzu said we are not to take on anyone’s burdens but simply to send the energy of Love:
“It means that you send them that wonderful energy of healing, of acceptance and Love because they have lost their way, and in that they are not knowing the joy of why they came and that is terrible. That is a terrible, terrible experience to lose your way in such a dramatic fashion.”
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sending LOVE. . .
Sanat Kumara, during his teaching of the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation, said we do not have the wisdom to judge anyone:
“We cannot be too strong in speaking about judgment.
“There is no room for you to be the observer any longer where there is judgment. You can do this in a humorous way.
“You can say, ‘Well, gee, this sounds like judgment to me, and you know, I don’t do judgment. I’m allergic to judgment. Judgment makes me feel sick, so can we just let this go?’ And then do so.
“What you are doing is you are teaching the person you are having the conversation with, that there is no payoff, there is no reward, and there is no real tolerance in judgment.”
He went on to say it’s important to discern but that there’s no room to judge any more:
“It is one thing to discern, and discernment is vitally important in your journey, but judgment is cruel, and the history of cruelty on the planet of Gaia has come to an end. There is no room for it.
“People think that they say something casually and it is judgmental, but that it is not harmful, and that is simply not so. It is very harmful, and it speaks to a lack of love, a lack of compassion, a lack of allowance.
“You do not have permission, or the wisdom, to judge anyone.”
In practical terms with the pandemic, Covid-19, there’s lots of fear being generated by the media, talk of a vaccine, judgement of leadership, and speculation on what’s going on ‘behind the scenes’.
It’s time Now for greater awakening, for deeper cleansing of the old belief systems – of control, guilt, anxiety, separation, hatred, judgement.
As Within So Without
Our without, our external reality, cannot come to balance unless we are balance within.
We are here to know the truth of Love, of everyone’s grace, purity, joy, and not to criticize or hate.
We are all equal, no matter what we have done,
in the eyes of God, of the Mother/Father One.
Now is the time for peace
and Love on Gaia.