The Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-point Energy
Humans are Free, Feb. 27, 2020
Zero-Point Energy Has Been Implemented for Space Travel
After the Roswell UFO crash, within one decade, a consortium of U.S. military and large aerospace corporations, namely the military industrial complex (MIC), developed and implemented with the knowledge of ET beings the use of zero-point energy and antigravity technology.
The MIC has operated as a shadow government unaccountable to every U.S. President even though the U.S. government authorized many billions of dollars in their Area 51 operations.
Today, unknown by the public due to national media control by the MIC, the U.S. military is able to dominate earth’s outer space with Intergalactic Flying Object (IFO) technology.
In 2014, Mark McCandlish, an accomplished aerospace illustrator, gave testimony at the Secret Space Program Conference in San Francisco where he revealed that the U.S. military not only has developed operational antigravity, but has for many years, developed and engineered zero-point energy that propels IFOs over the past 50 years.
Mark worked for many major defense contractors: General Dynamics, Lockheed, Northrop, McDonald-Douglas, Boeing, Rockwell International, Honeywell, and Allied Signet Corporation. Mark was previously in the US Air Force and for some of the major aerospace corporations was employed as an illustrator for aerospace designed spacecraft.
He testified that his colleague, Brad Sorenson, with whom he studied and mentions at the conference, had been inside a facility at Norton Air Force Base, where he witnessed 3 different-sized alien reproduction vehicles, or ARVs, that were fully operational and hovering.
They were all identical in shape and proportion, except that there were three different sizes. The smallest one was about 24 feet in diameter at the base. The next biggest one was 60 feet and the largest was about 120 to 130 feet in diameter.
Brad also saw a video tape that revealed the smallest of the three vehicles sitting out in the desert, presumably over a dry lakebed, someplace like Area 51. It showed this vehicle accelerated straight up and out of sight in just a couple of seconds with no sound, no moving parts, and no exhaust gases or fuel for propulsion.
Figure 8 illustrates the shape and much of the interior of the military ARV:
A detailed description of the ARV and its components may be read in an article titled, Mark McCandlish: Master of Aerospace Illustration (Note 15).
A patent was filed by James King Jr. that looks like the ARV shown above except that instead of having a dome for a crew compartment, it has a cylinder in the center. The design has the same shape, the flat bottom, and the sloping sides. It has the coils around the circumference, and has the capacitor plates that are all radially-oriented.
The patent was filed initially in 1960 and was secured in 1967, the same year that a photo was taken 52 years ago near Provo, Utah. It looks just like the craft shown as Figure 9. Kent Sellen, a former crew chief for the ARV, indicated the ARV, an interstellar flying object, was operational perhaps earlier then 1973, 46 years ago from this 2019 writing.