All this hubbub about oil and pipelines is so much wasted breath, if you’ll permit me to say it.
Oil and pipelines are yesterday’s technology.
We’ve had free-energy technology since the early Fifties, if I’m correct. We don’t need oil or pipelines – except perhaps to carry water.
What is free energy? I’ll let Goldenlight’s sources tell us:
“Free energy utilizes and harnesses the inherent co-creative energy of the Creator Source which is energy that permeates everything and All That Is. It is the Creative Energy of Universes, Multiverses, Galaxies, Planets, Beings, the energy that propels, creates, gives life to, and animates everything.
“This energy allows your Planet, Mother Earth Gaia to be suspended in space… allows the Sun to beam forth its tremendous power and energy…. It gives life to your being and your lower dimensional body on Earth as well as your Higher Dimensional Multidimensional Being which lives in the higher dimensions. We of the Pleiadian civilizations have learned over eons of time how to harness this power of the Source Creator of All That Is.
“This Free Energy propels our ships and allows us to travel to your atmosphere to be near your civilization, in tune with you and your energy harmonics. … This is one of the technologies we wish to share with you as a gift .” (1)
That’s amazing. Where is this free-energy technology? “One of the many things [the cabal] have kept hidden from you is Tesla’s work, which would have provided Free Energy for all,” Montague Keen informed us. (2) The technology has been available but sequestered for many decades.
Goldenlight’s sources give the full picture of the cost to us and to Gaia of extracting her oil and the boon that free energy is, to all of us.
“This New Earth has FREE ENERGY, wherein the multitudes are no longer slaves to the energy corporations or the oil corporations for their heat, electricity, fuel, telecommunications, and basic utility costs. This is part of what is keeping 90% of the world’s population enslaved.
“This FREE ENERGY also runs the modes of delivery and transportation; not only are these transportation methods free but they do not generate any pollution at all. And we are speaking of transportation of people and of goods worldwide.
“So the [four] basic methods that the world corporations and government were once using to dominate and control the people are removed: oil company domination, utility company domination, corporate monopolies of control, and mass media brainwashing.
“Oil extraction and production no longer exists as there is no longer a need for it. The oil that is currently being extracted from Mother Earth/Gaia’s body is actually the essential lubrication that is needed to keep her tectonic plates moving easily and freely in her body. The removal of this essential part of her earthen body – and, yes, it is her body – has caused great harm to her and will STOP.
“There will be a new form of energy developed to run things that are now run by electricity, a new energy that is similar to electricity but not created using any fossil fuels.” (3)
SaLuSa predicted an early release of the technology. That was in … uhhh, 2009.
“Free energy devices should soon start to surface, as your own scientists and environmentalists are already aware of such innovations. Those who have a vested interest in keeping them out of your hands are presently holding them back. That will have to change, but first the conditions must be created to allow them to come out into the public arena. ” (4)
Matthew Ward also predicted an early release a year later and shared the plan for our joint galactic/terrestrial efforts:
“The ever-intensifying light … is exposing the self-serving interests that have long-suppressed your developments in free energy sources and other technologies. Soon those will ‘come to light,’ and along with your space family’s advanced technologies, they will be used to cleanse and purify soil, water and air; and transform your methods of transportation, medical care, food production, construction, manufacturing and communication. In short, life as you know it will change radically and marvelously when Earth is completely out of third density.” (5)
Diane of Sirius shared a similar plan, showing that the other side has definitely thought this through:
“It is a matter of equipping you in such a way, that your standard of life is immediately improved. A clean supply of water and an ample supply of free energy will overcome many health problems, whilst at the same time giving you heating and lighting where conditions warrant it.
“Housing can be lifted to a level where it affords adequate protection and comfort from the elements, and constructed from pre-formed sections of material that is eco-friendly and recyclable. These will be produced conveniently near the sites, and require little labor because of automation.
“We can also employ robotic help that has the capacity to make decisions within its role as overseers, and these will be pre-programmed. Computers much more advanced than you presently use will control all operations in such plants.
“We want to quickly bring you up to our level of understanding so that you can quickly adapt to a new way of thinking. You have good ideas of how to overcome your problems, and all you lack are the tools to do it. We can help you eliminate your dependence on chemicals, and for example show you other ways to clear your polluted areas.
“Much of what we are capable of can be carried out without the need to land on Earth. In fact, over many years we have done just that to keep a check on air and sea pollution.” (6)
Now take that example and multiply it across the planet in every line of endeavor. The waves of abundance will be enormous and the galactics have the technology to address many of our terrestrial problems quickly and easily.
We have the makings of a winning partnership here.
So here’s one for the collective consciousness: Bring on free energy. Let’s end our dependence on fossil fuels once and for all, for our sake and for Gaia’s.
(1) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part II – Free Energy Technology,” channeled by Goldenlight, January 14, 2014 at
(2) Montague Keen, July 24, 2011, at
(3) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and St. Germain via Goldenlight: The In Between Times,” Channeled by Goldenlight, February 04, 2013, at
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009, at
(5) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at
(6) Diane of Sirius, May 29, 2009, at