I remember how I’d sit around doing precious little as a child until the day arrived when I could join a baseball team.
All of a sudden I had a structured activity that I enjoyed in my life. I had a sense of belonging – I wore a black baseball cap, belonged to Dietrich Collins little league baseball team, and was involved in something exciting.
Once the Reval hits and we’re enabled to begin creating universal basic incomes and medicare plans, without having a context with a deadline, there won’t be any means to structure our work. We’ll be faced with a sense of doing things alone. We may not know what to do or how to do it. And we won’t have the sense of being involved in any great work.
When we create the context of UBIs or medicare, in our own country or around the world, by a certain deadline, we allow ourselves and others to join together and orchestrate our actions.
Think of the difference between John Kennedy saying we shall land a man on the moon some day and we shall land a man on the moon by 1970. I personally don’t feel any power in the first but I feel a distinct arousal by the second.
We’d better get going. What do we need to do first? What follows that, to have the whole thing accomplished by the end of the decade?
I’m hesitant to say this, but creating a context is something like creating a game. No, I don’t mean that homelessness or hunger is a game. But the work of ending homelessness and hunger by a certain date has some of the same features of a game.
I think of a game as an activity played by one or more teams which has an endpoint seen to be more desirable than its starting point.
So the endpoint of an end to homelessness is seen to be more desirable than the starting point of homelessness. The foundation of a system of universal medicare is seen to be more desirable than the lack of such a system.
When we create a context with a deadline, we create a game for people to play.
Not everyone may want to play the game of creating universal medicare and so we create more games such as an end to infectious diseases on the planet or free tuition for all, by a certain date.
By people aligning on the end of a condition of global unworkability by a definite date, we create an endpoint to aim for and a structure that invites belongingness and involvement.
At that point, the aimlessness we may feel after the Reval may transform into a sense of dedication and purpose which is tangible and realizable.