Embedded in all the Mother’s Universal Laws of Love, and especially Sanat Kumara’s teachings of the Law of Balance, is “As Within So Without.”
Peace within must create peace without.
And what is peace but forgiveness.
In this place of forgiving the “unforgivable” we create peace without.
I feel if we all, truly from a place of heart consciousness, did our forgiveness of self/others work, there would be no pain, no suffering anywhere.
From this place in the heart of deep forgiveness of self, there is discovery of sacred purpose, active purpose to help create societies that work, to lift up our most disenfranchised, to create equality everywhere.
Gender equality within automatically creates gender equality without.
And what is gender equality but equal Love for our feminine and for our masculine within — again forgiveness work.
Have we forgiven equally all things of masculine origin and all things of feminine origin from present to past, past to present, even the most heinous acts perceived?
In that place of being forgiving and feeling forgivable is compassion, our ability to observe everything, and to hold the highest vision for everyone to be peace within, to forgive our selves for everything.
In that place of compassion is great reverence and enormous gratitude for the Mother/Father One and the creation of this amazing journey.
And what is reverence but wisdom, and what is gratitude but joy for life purpose, and what is that but understanding and knowing self-Love and self-worth, again peace within.
Lack of self-love and lack of self-worth creates a dysfunctional without reality, lack of peace without.
But from that dysfunctional lack, that chaos we witness daily, is coming creation of the New!
From chaos comes creation!
Individuals and groups are creating a world that works from small acts of kindness to great acts of kindness — especially consideration for self/others.
Nova Earth is well underway. . .
We are Loved, Loveable and so worthy.
I Am Love
I Am Worthy
We are reflections of the Mother/Father/One, each carrying our spark of Divinity; that joy that can ignite into a bonfire to help create societies that work based on sacred purpose, harmony, balance, Universal Laws, and Divine Qualities.
From there, we see and feel, all there is is Love and peace.
With mind, heart, and will in Divine Alignment, and in our I Am, we create that same Divine Alignment without, We Are. . .
With forgiveness, compassion and gratitude to self within we create peace, Love and joy without — a world with societies that work — as within so without.
Thank you, Mother, for this incredible journey.
Thank you to the Mighty Ones, Sanat Kumara,
St. Germaine, Jesus, the Magdalena, Kwan Yin,
Ascended Masters, enlightened beings, all angels,
& huge gratitude to our Star Family helping us align.