I’d like to follow on from the Federation of Light’s request of all lightworkers to lead the way in forgiving everyone and everything. They said:
“May we … suggest you ‘Forgive’ in a general manner? Offer out the Energy of Forgiveness as A WHOLE … FOR ALL THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE … TO ALL THAT ARE IN NEED OF THIS LOVE … Perhaps do not focus on any one particular event … should it be that your ‘mind’ finds that too difficult, yet, as we say … Send out Loving Forgiveness … AS A WHOLE … TO THE WHOLE. …
Let me be tongue-in-cheek for a moment. Don’t get offended. I’m just joking.
If someone put a weapon to my head and told me, “Forgive everything or die!” what would I do? Very likely I’d forgive everything.
And, wow, everything connected with resentment would magically disappear from my body in a second!
Holding patterns in the musculature, ways of looking and gesturing, meaningless cliches would all now magically lift or be visible and probably sidestepped.
But it’d take something like staring death in the face for me to finally and completely “get off” resenting people.
Short of the threat of imminent death, there falls a range of territory more noticeably governed by our will, our choices.
Within this territory, we may make excuses about why we’re not forgiving, resolve to never forgive, create tales of disasters that happened when we forgave, etc., etc. Our choice not to forgive may be bolstered in a thousand ways.
And then we spread a layer of self-servingness over it all and cast the story of our unforgiving life in the best possible light, chipping away here and smoothing out there. This we then serve to others as the truth of the situation.
We do seem to need a reason! And a compelling reason where forgiveness is concerned.
In my fictional example, it took a weapon to my head to get me to drop all of my silliness and forgive.
Previously I might have forgiven because it stops a festering inside of me that doesn’t feel very good. But that may not be a reason compelling enough for society at large or even lightworkers at large to take up universal forgiveness.
The Federation of Light offers a more compelling reason and one that has the power to inspire us to action: Lightworkers are needed to mitigate the tailspin that people – and society – may feel when they see their celebrities and leaders falling in quick succession. We need to stop the tailspin our society is in by everyone forgiving.
By the way, this is going to be work for me. Not saying otherwise.
As lightworkers, we assist by teaching, modelling, and invoking forgiveness.
We need to buckle up to endure the coming flood of revelations. (2) After surviving, we then need to provide the teaching and modelling that the rest of society may require to recover from their shock without hanging the Illuminati from the nearest lamp posts, as George Bush Sr. feared.
It presents work for me, but I’m up for forgiving everyone and everything. And starting afresh. I won’t wait for the truth to be on the table and our true situation understood before beginning work on this one.
The Epstein Trial promises to reveal the truth, along with the various reports waiting to be declassified. And other trials allegedly underway. Before we drain the swamp, we’re in for a big storm.
The moment when we as a society will need to forgive the past – and present – fast approaches. And the circumstances that demand it couldn’t be more difficult to endure. But that is the job at hand for lightworkers – to come from forgiveness of everyone and everything in the face of heart-rending circumstances.
(1) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, July 15, 2019 (Important Message),” July 15, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/07/15/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-july-15-2019-important-message/.
(2) Buckle up = Ground ourselves, remain calm, explain to others (but not too much), etc.