Here’s another member of the delegations coming forward with words from the Divine Mother on the event, already underway.
We use a pseudonym to mask his identity.
Divine Mother in a personal reading with Blue Angel through Linda Dillon, June 17, 2019
Blue Angel: My other question was about disclosure. Like everybody, I’m looking forward to something that we can see and go ‘Yes! We’re moving forward’, as opposed to the subtle, internal…
Divine Mother: And so are they, sweet one, so are they! Because for you, you say, ‘Well I haven’t heard from [your guide]’; it is like an old friend, right, that shows up after decades!
BA: [laughter]
DM: And says, ‘Hi, how are you? What’s new?!’
BA: Nothing! [laughter]
DM: And yet look at what has transpired. Both within your own life, but also within the collective awareness. It is no longer considered peculiar for people to have thoughts, or ideas, or beliefs that there is grand life far beyond the planet.
The star family, the star beings, the various forces that have gathered, have been waiting, some of them for thousands of years, so yes, it has been quiet on both fronts.
But now the information, the delegations, the actual engagement piece is underway and there are those that have been chosen and selected, and self-selected, that are bringing forth the… bridge, shall we put it that way… between the star families and the human collective.
These are not necessarily – in fact it is rare that these are – people in public office, or with public visibility, unless they have come to a place of inner peace and knowing that the purpose of these gatherings is not financial, and it is not personal aggrandizement; it is simply for the union to restart.
And it has been, when Atlantis was in full bloom, the visitations, the sharing of technology, of culture, of information, was commonplace. And that is the whole purpose; it is quite peculiar on the planet that you occupy, that there is discussion of nations, and economic zones, and trading and tariffs. You are simply a single trading unit, that has not come to full recognition of that!
And the trading, is given freely, it is the sharing of what you have. Are there exchanges? Yes, of course there are. But the biggest exchange is not related to finance. It is related to wisdom, and values, and intelligence, and things that bring peace rather than… friction and war.
So, this is about to – well, it has already started – and so this is underway, sweet one. It is not a matter of waiting 20 years. That is why [guide’s name] has been back in touch. It is because it is time.
BA: Super. Thank you.
DM: You are welcome. You are a part of this, as you well know. And that will be disclosed to you, so when you receive the irresistible urge and message, you will heed it.
BA: Sounds very mysterious!
DM: It does not need to be mysterious, sweet one. It is no more mysterious than “I have to go to yoga class today.”
BA: Ah, ok!
DM: So, you will see and you will be in position exactly … how and where and when you need to be.
BA: Ah, OK! Wonderful! Thank you.
DM: You are welcome. Do not limit yourself. Yes, we know we have suggested to thee this day to be concrete, but in the broader spectrum, beloved daughter, do not limit yourself and the scope of what is desirable and possible.
So, yes, while you, shall we say, till the garden, do not deny the potential that you can be picked up and positioned in order to participate in a grander unfoldment, and then brought right back to where you need to be.
Your potential is unlimited. You have not fully anchored that as yet.
BA: Wow! That’s brilliant thank you.
DM: You are so loved. You are so cherished. You are so treasured, sweet one. Go with my love and go in peace.
BA: Thank you so much
DM: Farewell.