If you think about it for a moment, the work I’m doing reparenting myself can also be seen as increasing higher-dimensional awareness.
Think of it this way. The more I become in touch with Big Steve, my Adult, my Higher Self, the higher my vibration seems to become.
It seems to raise my vibration to increase the amount of time I spend in my Adult consciousness state rather than in my Wounded Child.
The process whereby I decline from my Adult state to my Child state is almost invisible to me in the daily rush of events. I notice I get triggered and, boom! I’m in my Wounded Child.
Each state has its “advantages” when viewed from its own confines. It’s not like one is right and one is wrong. Each has its place.
I’ve always preferred the higher. I have a natural preference and deeply-conditioned bias towards the frontier, the beyond, the supernatural. I’ve never been able to remain within disciplinary boundaries and I don’t intend to in the future.
The highest occult knowledge. The best enlightenment teachings. I’m very familiar with this side of myself.
And perhaps thank heavens I do prefer the highest. Otherwise what would provide the jet fuel to blast me out of the prison I built for myself out of resentment and vengefulness towards my overbearing Father?
Gosh, it’s been a long road to recovery. And it isn’t over yet. The Humpty Dumpty Man has only been around for less than two decades. In other words, I’ve only been a functioning human being for that amount of time. For the rest of my life I was simply coping.
I only found out what love was four years ago. Imagine, living a whole lifetime not knowing what love is! Real love!
I’m learning as fast as I can but much of the ground I’m covering, I’ve never been on before. And no manual comes with being born human.
Reparenting myself. Adult Bird to Wounded Child, Big Steve to Little Steve, you’re doing swell, bro.
Do I know what I’m doing? Yes. Errrr…. no. Flying by the seat of my pants as a matter of fact. Just what Michael asked me to do. (1)
(1) Steve: I know you want me to make the ultimate decision in matters of policy but apart from that, if I carve out a lifestyle kind and attentive to the needs of awareness writing, are you alright with that? That’s really my first love.
Archangel Michael: I am over the moon with that! You can do the writing and I will do the art and the music! (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2017.)
AAM: Truth is truth. It is stand-alone, infinite and eternal. Nevertheless, there is an expression on your planet that we find humorous that people use and it is, “The truth as I know it.”
When you present it in that way, you are saying, “From my position, my experience, my understanding, my study, my core, this is what I perceive and what works for me and what I know to be true in my situation.”
When you speak in that way, what you are doing, and I encourage you to do so, as a human being, you are sharing the experience and the expression of your divinity and that is absolutely a necessary part and parcel of Nova Earth. (Ibid., Jan. 20, 2016.)