Given that the galactics are indicating their intention to meet with us in “delegations,” the whole subject of the galactics opens up again.
The new emphasis lends meaning to the following article from late 2017. The article looks at what happened in 1200 BC that saw so many civilizations falter and some fail.
Michael’s unexpected answer was that the galactics left the planet after having been in co-creative partnership with our civilizations. “[The galactics] no longer saw that their creativity and guidance, input and sense of community were welcome.”
As an historian by training, I have an abiding interest in historical matters. One mystery has long intrigued me and I asked Archangel Michael about it in my last reading through Linda Dillon, Nov. 15, 2017.
Right around 1200 BC, many civilizations fell, were eroded, or suffered some other obstacle to their progress.
Various theories have been advanced – natural disaster, invasion of the “sea people,” etc. (1)
But what actually happened? Archangel Michael says it had to do with the withdrawal of our star family from active participation in our societies. They felt it was time for us to manage our own affairs.
We promptly turned on each other and started a series of wars of conquest that lasts to this day.
From a personal reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 15, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: There is a mystery that I’m hoping you can help me solve and that’s that something happened in 1200 BC to numerous civilizations and they experienced at least a hiccup in the case of Egypt but also fell in the case of the Hittites and some of their neighbors. What happened in 1200 BC, Lord?
Archangel Michael: There was a great deal that happened in that area that you would term 1200 BC. First of all, during that time many [galactics] returned home (2) and we do not just mean to the Sacred One (3) but also many returned to the ships (4) and there was a cleavage, a breaking of much of the partnership and co-creative partnerships between your star brothers and many civilizations.
There was also a similar time, a rise of what you can think of as darkness, what we would term as a resurgence. Yes, you tend to think of these fear factors as recent. They are not. They are ancient and they are original.
[How did we humans do in the absence of our star brothers and sisters?]
There was a strong component and a re-anchoring of many of the false grids and the paradigms of control and abuse. Freedom was severely suppressed.
In suppression and control, what happens, if you are suppressing creation and creativity, you are suppressing the ability of being, individually and collectively, truly coming forth in what is possible.
So you had a massive rise in the upswing of creativity, of what you can think of as one of those efforts to create Nova Earth in partnership with many of your star family and the divine.
And then you had the resurgence of the human paradigms of lack, limitation etc. You know the list.
And then [you had] the placing in positions of authority and control, not creativity, [but people into] control-authority-abuse, those who really engaged in those paradigms. That’s what happened.
So what you see is civilizations fade away – civilizations that have been in flourishing mode, in blossoming mode.
And then you have seen the rise of those who say, “No, no, no, this is getting out of control. We do not have the lid on that pressure cooker. We are not able to contain this.”
And so it is that duality – war – has gone on for a very long time. Now, do civilizations rise and fade? Note that I am saying rise and fade. In that fading, think of it as seasonal, there is the rise and the bringing forth of the new. So it is the ebb and flow as well.
But never was it intended, in this ebb and flow of seasons of tides, that people be squashed and that is what has happened in human history. It has not been in organic ebb and flow. It has been the rise, the squash, the rise, the squash.
Now what you are saying is that there is a fading of what you can think of as, not just as Western civilization, but a fading so that the new of the Earth community and Gaian community can come to the forefront.
Steve: So now why [did they] leave in 1200? Why?
[I’m hoping for the citing of a specific incident or some marker that I can use to look more deeply into the history.]
AAM: They were no longer welcome and they no longer saw that their creativity and guidance, input and sense of community were welcome.
Steve: Twilight of the Gods
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: I’ll be darned. But there’s no written evidence of this, I’m sure, right?
AAM: No.
Steve: All right, but the decline wasn’t due to the “sea peoples”?
AAM: No.
Steve: And the heavy stones at Hattusa and in Egypt and in Babylonia, were they lifted in place by extraterrestrial strategies or devices?
AAM: All of this was done by your star brothers. That is part of what we had this channel do. (5) These are markers. These are basically ancient landing markers that are being revitalized with the Cities of Light.
(1) Here is one example of this genre of “catastrophe” documentary: Secrets Of The Aegean Apocalypse – History Documentary at httpss://
(2) Transitioned; died.
(3) Going back for a rest to Mother/Father One, what Linda calls the Thirteenth Octave.
(4) So he is speaking of our star brothers and sisters, embodied on Earth. They were no longer wanted and so they withdrew.
(5) Linda went to Great Britain and re-activated a number of “markers” – the “henges” – in different places.