Some pictures speak volumes.
The Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Who’s attacking Paris? (1) Thanks to Sitara.
Caution: The image is probably photoshopped. It’s more the meme below the image that’s so shocking. Is nothing sacred?
A dozen French churches were also attacked in March 2019. (2) Who’s attacking French churches and why? Divide and conquer? Propel the populace into dismay and lethargy? No, not the cover story that the cabal spreads around. Who’s really doing it?
(1) “Is Paris burning?” was a question uttered by Adolf Hitler to the commanding officer, Paris, in 1945, determined to burn the city to the ground if the Nazis couldn’t hold onto it. He later made the same order against Germany itself.
(2) Thomas D. Williams, “Twelve French Churches Attacked, Vandalized in One Week,” Breitbart, March 20, 2019, at httpss://