I mentioned some time ago that an occupational hazard of being a financial wayshower is that having wealth could multiply the impact of some vasanas or core issues.
That could be for a variety of reasons.
(1) The suppression button may be taken off. We now have complete permission to cut loose.
(2) We have the means to put up a fight where before we felt we had to let the steamrollers roll over us.
(3) The magnitude and scope of the decisions we’re making scare the wits out of us and produce a much greater reaction.
(4) Etc.
I had an experience the other day that showed me what that could be like.
I just became aware that my medical plan was double-billing me – and had been doing so for years. My monthly premiums were being deducted at source (my pension) AND for some years the medical plan had also been charging my ex-wife my premiums (unknown to her as well).
Meanwhile the Medical Plan stopped billing my ex-wife and starting billing me, but were unable to find me because I’d changed my address.
When I took out a replacement driver’s license, they now had my new address and a bill for $1300 landed on my desk.
It took a month and a half to get the right form from my pension people to submit to the Plan.
The second last day before the completed form finally arrived I was ready to scream.
The mini-crisis that had me demand the form that very day and then ride the issue until it arrived was rich in lessons. Here are some:
(1) I don’t do well with frustration.
(2) If I accept being in the middle between two levels of government, I may end up frustrated.
(3) If I don’t stay in the middle, I lose any influence I have in getting the job done. (Catch 22)
(4) I’m used to small, simple tasks in real-time (like writing articles) and this was a large, complex task that moved at glacial speed.
(5) I no longer can stand the stress or the heightened emotions I feel when I seem to be totally out of control of a process. What would have been easy to stand a decade ago now feels to me almost crazy-making. I take it that indicates the rising energies.
My immediate reaction after it was all over was to gather everything to do with income tax, medical plans, medical submissions, etc., into one place and divide it into labelled file folders.
If this were to happen again, next time I’d be ready to write an almost-legal letter with Exhibits A, B, C, and so on.
I’d know the complete history of our correspondence, all arranged in historical order.
My second reaction was to promise myself to study how to influence and persuade people. As Kat said a while back, I use more vinegar than honey, more a hammer than a feather. And it just won’t work any more. (1)
Not having any of my usual strategies was tiring for me – and left me forlorn.
But that’s the nature of the environment we’re in. The energies are rising; our vibrations are rising; and the old ways won’t work any more. I had a firsthand introduction to that fact.
But more generally I saw that ANYTHING left undone, any vasana overlooked, any prejudice, judgment, or bias left unquestioned may have the power to up-end us later on.
AND don’t overlook the fact that, when you’re a zillionaire and the head of a large company, everything you say will be magnified. What was just a joke from me, or a passing comment, now will be heard like Moses from the mount.
The level of care for our words and actions will be much, much higher than anything we’ve experienced previously, I think.
These past 45 days have been an indelible lesson to me that anything that can later multiply to ill effect, for whatever reason, has to be processed (2) and minimized, if not eliminated, preferably now. (3) If not, we’ll pay a much heftier price for it later on.
(1) Thank heavens I dealt with people who kept their calm when I did not.
(2) On processing, see “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process/.
(3) To eliminate an unwanted feeling, invoke the Law of Elimination and Sanat Kumara and ask for the feeling to be taken away.