One of the many passages I overlooked, but now feel drawn to research, Michael talks here about the larger picture of restructuring humanity into which the Reval fits.
He asks me to do in 2015 what I’m getting around to doing in 2019.
Steve Beckow: Alright. Now, I’m curious about the Reval. I’m always curious about the Reval.
How are we doing on that front or any front. It does not have to be the Reval. The prosperity program, the historic bonds.
Archangel Michael: Understand, they are all united so, when we speak of the Revaluation, we are speaking of a continuum of which this aspect of Reval is one. So it is not one or the other. It is tied into the restructuring of systems.
We have not spoken of this of a great deal but now you’re in a place where you will understand exactly what I am saying.
We are talking about the restructuring of humanity. Because, as you are doing that reprogramming, deprogramming, reboot [of vasanas], it is not about this system or that structure.
The systems become reflective of who you are and even your individual experiences of these various systems become reflective of who you are.
Now, does that mean those systems that are rather, shall we say, tyrannical and unethical will simply suddenly become loving and kind, considerate? No, first it is the restructuring of humanity.
Now we say that all of these systems, all of this restructuring, all of this Revaluation is progressing very nicely. So do not turn away; and do not act precipitously but act in readiness and be proactive as well. (AAM, March 13, 2015.)
I find it rather ironic or evidential, depending, that I find myself driven at the moment to do exactly that – “act in readiness and be proactive as well.”