When one consciously agrees to play a large role, a strange process begins.
I can no longer act the clown and make funny faces as I have in the past. I can no longer have arguments at restaurants or arguments at all. A whole train of events is set in motion by agreeing to play a sizeable role.
Beneath it all is a willingness – because the important acts in this process are acts of willing – to be the person you need to be to perform that function.
To be sure, it all begins with sensation, perception, conception and belief. But functionally and operationally it all begins with the will. The will is what gets us up in the morning and puts us to bed at night.
Until I understand this, I look to external actions to decide any issue or make decisions for me. But once I clearly see that the important action is happening at the level of my will, then I’m able to take rapid and effective action when I’m going down the wrong path.
What am I willing? What am I intending? What am I committed to? What are the deeper motivations that need to be known and related to for any successful negotiation to take place. (Thanks to William Ury.)
Think of this for a moment. We’re heading into a period of incredible wealth which we’ll use to restore the world. Basically, before now in our evolution, we thought mainly about ourselves. Now we have to clean up the mess we made while not thinking of Gaia and others.
Our brothers and sisters from the stars could clean it up in short order. But they want us to have the experience – at least of taking the lead in it.
The Reval is not the end all and be all. Michael called it one of many parts of the abundance program. (1) He reminded us that there’d be more than one prosperity package. (2) He’s said that the galactics will be delighted to fund any action programs we want aimed at restoring Gaia.
“The Galactics have no shortage of money and so there will be some very massive projects and the funds will be made available.” (3)
Evidently there will be no lack of funds to build Nova Earth.
However getting down to work constructively may require us to change our mindset.
Right now I bet most of us believe, in regard to conclusive social action, that nothing is possible, there are no solutions, and I can’t do it – an outlook of unworkability and resistance to change.
Where we need to go, I suggest, is to the place where we can clearly see that everything will now become possible, there’ll be plenty of solutions, and we are the ones to do it. Shifting to an outlook of workability is for me the start of taking effective action to create our new world.
I think Michael said what’s expected of us best:
Archangel Michael: If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] then there is a massive vacuum because many of the billions upon your planet have not yet learned, adapted and integrated the new tools – the fullness of this new energy.
So [when non-lightworkers] are assigned … or try to step up … to create and to take the leadership role, they do not have the training and insight to do it in a way that is achievable. … So there is a lack, a vacuum of leadership.
Now, who, upon this wondrous planet, has been hiding in the shadows or edging out, or in the limelight and is ready? … Who has been diligent and practiced patience and fortitude and stamina, and anchored the divine qualities? Who is it that is prepared to do this? Well, it is the lightworkers. (4)
The Company of Heaven has spared no effort to see that we’re well protected in such visible and prominent work:
Divine Mother: Having encouraged you to go forth, having provided the mechanisms for that to occur, do you really think in our divinity, in our family, that we are going to arrange for a rogue bandit to harm you? You are mightily protected! …
You can rest assured – we are protecting you. That is a promise. (5)
So the very first thing I need to do is to grow into what’s expected of me. I can start by mastering my own process of willing and bending it to the Mother’s service.
What do you do when you begin to understand how big the job will be? One has to grow bigger.
If I can do this, you can.
(1) Archangel Michael: Not that we will allow you to go wrong. Let us be very clear. This plan has been an unfoldment for far too long for money to simply be washed down the drain by decisions that are not beneficial either for yourself or for others and for those who will benefit from the abundance programs, plural. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 6, 2013.)
(2) Steve: Will [the prosperity package] be delivered by FedEx or will it to show up as increased digits on my bank account?
AAM: It will be both, actually.
Steve: How is that possible?
AAM: Because it is more than one payment. (AAM, Sept. 2, 2016.)
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, Nov. 13, 2012.
(4) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.
(5) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: New Year’s Message 2017,” Dec. 31, 2016 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/12/31/new-years-message-2017/.
And Michael:
Archangel Michael: Simply know that there is a place and a plan and everything is in order and will fall into place. It does not need to happen in one day. And you are being mightily (and I use that word very specifically [i.e., by archangels]) mightily protected. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 19, 2013.)
(6) AAM, ibid., Feb. 17, 2017.