(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.)
The Second Dimension
Each of us has emanated from the Heart of One, originally as an idea, a spark of light, an essence.
In the second dimension, this energy is communicated out to the multiverse.
This dimension, where there is no depth or emotion, is a creative, busy place.
Co-operation and surrender
The qualities of the second dimension are co-operation and surrender.
The human existence can be lacking in interdependence and community.
Often we feel lonely and isolated. We limit ourselves with separation anxiety.
Understanding the qualities of the second dimension of reconnection — our interconnectedness with all things — knowing that all things, all energy is One, we can support each other without drama in co-operation and creation.
Humility and compassion
Because it is a dimension of cooperation with no emotion, humility and compassion are growth patterns here.
Humility is our willingness to extend ourselves to others realizing that we are simply extending ourselves to All as brothers and sisters each with a unique journey.
Compassion is ability to Love and serve without judgement, to observe within and without, to be detached from the old emotions, and to hold the highest vision of balance.
Where ideas go ‘viral’
The second dimension is an amplifier and a transmuter.
This is where ideas go ‘viral.’
When we have an idea, concept, position that we want to share with the world, we can use the energy of the second dimension — the interconnectedness of everything — to offer it to many.
An example would be a photo and/or a quote going viral on the internet.
Dimensions are defined by qualities of growth
From Albert Einstein:
“What many of the scientists are defining in String Theory is the other eleven dimensions, are in fact aspects of the twelve planes of the second dimension.
“They have not yet made the quantum leap to understanding that dimensions are not defined by physicality but by qualities of growth.” (1)
With all this information found within the Universal Law of Intent, humility, and the second dimension, our ability to remain centred while on our Ascension journey is much easier.
(1) “The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness,” by Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, 2013, page 69
Links to all the parts of this series:
How the Law of Intent Relates to the 2nd Dimension and Humility