(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Eliminating the false grid of lack of self worth
When we align ourself with the sacred Universal Law of Intent, and ask that everything we do, think, feel, and believe be in alignment with that sacred Law of Intent, of which our intent is part, then we keep to that practice daily and hourly; it will eliminate feelings of lack.
What happens is:
We become more anchored and enmeshed
in the fibre of truth because the Laws
are the Truth of God.
We cannot be in the truth and hold a belief system that’s not in alignment with it.
Lack of self worth is not in alignment with any truth. It’s part of the old.
The intent of being drunk — and it doesn’t matter whether it is alcohol or drugs or ego, because they’re all the same; they’re variations on a theme — when we are using an excess of alcohol or drugs, we’re trying to escape from our intention and our sacred purpose.
We’re depressing ourself. We’re repressing the truth of Who We Are.
So while there is this ego statement of, “I am in the process of discovering myself. I am allowing the artist, the philosopher within to explore itself,” in fact what we’re doing is we’re putting ourself — and this is true for all ages — in a position where we’re limiting our scope, imagination, and inspiration.
We’re shutting ourself down.
We’re shrinking ourself.
Finding the balance
How do we reach a place where we are finding and enjoying the experience of life and not engaging in behaviours that are basically self-defeating?
It is a matter of finding the balance
and the middle way.
It’s not suggested that we never imbibe a beer or a glass of wine, but it is a matter of finding the middle way.
(We can invoke the Law of Transmutation when we are sipping so that it is not giving us deleterious effects as well.)
We want to enjoy and to celebrate the experience of life.
Do we want to proceed in a drunken haze where we don’t remember and we aren’t really having fun because we feel sick the next day?
Or are we proceeding in a way that partakes of the fun, the friendships, the new ideas, but it’s in a way that’s serving us and therefore serving every person?
In the balance we are the leader
instead of the follower.
Proceed with ideas that bring joy
If what we’re doing is not bringing us excitement, not giving us that sense of deep fulfillment, then it simply is not part of our intent for this portion of our journey.
If the joy isn’t there, if the excitement isn’t there, if the desire to create the space to do this in a way that is enriching, not only monetarily, but to our very soul isn’t there, then it’s not a green light.
Looking at intent as a tree with many branches, leaves, twigs
We can think of our sacred purpose as the trunk and roots of a tree.
Our primary intention is in the trunk of the tree.
Our branches can be brought into alignment with our larger intent so our intent – our primary intent and understanding – is anchored.
We can work on breaking down the levels and the branches of the intent.
Here’s an example for one with a service to offer:
Intend the perfect physical setup, location, nest, and facility in which to offer services.
Intend that helpful, cooperative, and collegial people are available to assist in this.
Intend that the flow of individuals who will benefit from our particular talents will be stepping forward.
We work on breaking down the levels, the branches of the intent, so we can go to our tree and pick and enjoy the fruit of our labours.
Intent to let abundance flow clearly
Intent to let abundance flow clearly is in the breakdown of the various branches.
It is that the abundance is there to pay each and every bill, every commitment, and that there is so much left over that every dream, every desire can be fulfilled.
Staying in the intent we don’t allow the lack or limitation issues to intrude.
When the tree is thirsty, and there hasn’t been rain for several days or weeks, it puts its roots deep into Gaia.
We do this, too, by putting our ‘roots’ deep into Gaia and by drawing up the moisture, the minerals, the richness that are there for us to call upon.
The tree does not forget that All Is There; otherwise it would wither and die.
We put our roots down, anchor firmly, and pull it up.
Then we go to the top of our tree and receive from the Great Central Sun, and the Heart of the Mother, what we want.
Intend. Open. Receive.
Remember: always share.
When we give something away,
what do we open our hearts to receive?
That is the balance.
Fear is the twin of anger.
We tend to get afraid and angry when things don’t materialize or manifest.
Fear can freeze us in place; then its cousin, doubt, knots our heart.
Mostly, fear is not about truth.
It’s about illusion and ego and ego likes to stay in control.
Our ego can run rampant when we allow it and it brings us every excuse under the rainbow about what won’t work, what we’re not capable of, and what we can’t accomplish.
Laughter dispels the fear
and brings us into the Now.
Asking for Divine Help we cut all the ties that bind — all the ties — because they limit us, and we were never intended to be limited.
Limitation is the belief in separation. Elimination of the belief system of limitation, of separation anxiety, sets us free.
We can make our primary intention in alignment by invoking the sacred Law of Intent:
I invoke the Universal Law of Intent that all fear,
all limitation, all feelings of inadequacy
be eliminated right Now.
Cutting away the illusions of fear
The laws of our country are fashioned on the Laws of the Universe.
Have they become bastardized?
Yes, but the original intent of human law — of fairness, equality, and freedom to create — was based on Universal Law.
If we look at any Universal Law, we will see a human law. It’s a reflection.
The elements of the Divine Law are in human law so for any human to suggest that Universal Law does not exist is simply denial.
We’re here to be brave, outspoken, to celebrate creation
Each of us has unique expressions of our personal miracle.
In our hearts is a smile for adventure, a desire and wish, for that is part of the unfoldment, evolution and ongoing creation of All.
Our expression of Divinity has never been limited, but the false grids of humanity have been heavy.
The illusions have been thick, but our hearts are open in the creation of our heart’s desire.
Starting with self,
intent is the feeling of the heart,
transmitted throughout time and space,
the wavelengths of the grid.
It may be a prayer and it may be a whoop. It may be a cry of joy or a cry for help. It’s all the same and it’s all heard.
Dream big
in alignment with sacred purpose.
We are magnificent.
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
“Sanat Kumara on the 2nd Universal Law, the Law of Intent,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 23, 2013, https://counciloflove.com/2013/08/sanat-kumara-on-the-2nd-universal-law-the-law-of-intent/
Links to all the parts of this series:
How the Law of Intent Relates to the 2nd Dimension and Humility