(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
The Blessing and Virtue of Humility
Humility is the ability to serve in whatever capacity and in whatever role, not only what we decide and determine, but what’s open to us.
We’re in a time of magnificent creation and opening. We’re able to create the roles and openings that we want.
Humility is to know that we are an instrument of Love.
In making that heart and body commitment to be an instrument of Love, sometimes we’re lead to service that’s not exactly as glamorous or as rich or as fulfilling as we hoped it would be.
The reward of service is the service itself
It’s the willingness of our being to extend ourself to others realizing that in that we are simply extending ourself to All.
Humility — not false humility or false pride — is the true understanding that it’s a privilege to serve.
Sometimes we feel frustrated that our service hasn’t yet appeared.
This may be a timing issue or we may not be in the right circumstances.
What’s suggested is not to waste time waiting, but to find another way to express our Love, to know we’re not limited.
It’s not a duty or responsibility; we may tag it that way but it’s truly an honour.
We’re all brothers and sisters
Embracing the virtue of humility, we realize there are none above or below, that all are brothers and sisters, each on a unique and sometimes perilous journey.
At times our job is to go into those perilous situations — those creations of the human mind — and diffuse them.
We’re being given some very strong situations in which to clear out, in service, in humility, the old ways of violence, hatred, and financial greed and control.
We are creating a place where no one goes hungry and the riches are shared. This is what Gaia teaches us.
She doesn’t just share her riches with some and not with others. She’s truly generous with all of us.
All we need to do is to look, observe, see, accept, receive, and then give back. It’s not just about getting from here to there. It’s also about who we meet along the way.
Compassion is within humility
The blessings and virtues are very connected; for example, we don’t have humility without compassion.
Part of what humility is is not putting ourself above or below others, but with others in compassion not judging anything.
To understand that the murderer and the bomber, those who commit the most heinous acts, arrived here with the purity of grace in their souls, and that it did not become lost.
Was it ignored or covered over? Yes.
The danger is that when we judge somebody we are judging ourself.
When we say, “Well, that person is a murderer. Look what they’ve done. They’re horrible and need to be punished,” we’ve lost our balance.
We’re setting ourself up to be ‘holier than thou.’ We dare not misstep because then we have to put ourself in the same category as those we’ve judged and that’s very painful.
Each journey has many, many twists and turns and it can be helpful to look at what that heinous crime has created.
Has there been a positive outcome? Maybe we don’t want to credit the murderer with the positive outcome?
We like to give credit to those who’ve risen to the occasion, ‘the hero,’ but the catalyst for that positive behaviour came from what we judged as negative.
It’s simply safer never to judge but to say:
“I am compassionate because you have lost your way.” (1)
That does not mean that we take on the burden of that person.
It simply means that we send the energy of healing, of acceptance, and Love because they have lost their way, and they are not realizing the joy of why they came.
We are compassion, humility, acceptance.
The balance of serving/being served and humiliation
We are the balance of humility not only serving, but allowing ourselves to be served, as well.
When we’re not permitted to give back after receiving a gift, the balance is broken.
That feeling of humiliation, when a gift is denied, can be acknowledged with a gentle reminder to another that it’s kindness and heart consciousness to understand the balance of receiving and giving.
We can also be preoccupied that reciprocal actions need to be of equal value, but how do we equate or measure different types of gifts and service?
Each is of equal value when given and received from a place of Love.
Humility and humiliation tie into one another through feeling, thought, and emotion, and without judging the languaging — having compassion for our selves — understanding the concepts and how they have emerged is to have the awareness to let go and forgive our selves for the old ways.
Humiliation is one of the things we’re eliminating.
Humility as a unifying force
When we’re in a place of humility, it’s a unifying force that unites us — we’re brothers and sisters — on this journey together.
As we serve each other
fulfilling our soul purposes and missions. We’re fulfilling our heart’s desires and so it grows.
When a gift is offered and accepted with gratitude it makes both parties, whether it’s two people or twenty thousand, feel unified. Gratitude is Who We Are.
This is how we create the New Way of change, of Christ Consciousness, and of Love.
Unification brings the vibration of Love, and inside that Love, joy, and gratitude is acceptance.
Acceptance is part of humility
In acceptance there is trust and the ability to be vulnerable about our journey without judgement.
Being vulnerability is to share what we’re going through with curiosity, not with shame or the old belief system of guilt and control.
Part of what we yearn for, each of us, is to be accepted for Who We Are, to be seen and to be known, and in that knowing, to be cherished and valued.
There are many in society that wish to put themselves on a pedestal. It doesn’t matter whether it is a leader, a pope, a bishop, or a rock star, we are all the same.
Pope Francis is a wonderful example. Getting rid of his throne is showing the people we are One.
The starting point is to accept the possibility of Love and of our value,
not that it is a given or proven, but just the possibility.
This is heart consciousness.
Sharing insights, understandings, LOVE
Insights, understandings, and flashes of enlightenment are given to each of us to share in humility.
It’s arrogance and ego to think that we’re unique and special, and to hoard and keep hidden these insights.
Sometimes we say nothing in fear that we will be thought crazy, but what we can know is we don’t need to share the insights.
What to share is the Love, capacity to Love, and our service.
Carbon to crystalline
The light which moves at the speed of Love quite literally transforms carbon to crystalline.
Carbon under pressure becomes diamond.
The flow of energy through our physical form is assisting the anchoring and the transformation of the crystalline body.
All we have need to do is say, ‘Yes’ to be a transmitter of Divine Quality, of Love, of Unity with One and Unity with All.
It’s an act of humility. We cannot be a healer and suffer from pride.
We are the substance of Love.
Everything is birthed with Love.
That everything has Divine Purpose
helps us to understand our worthiness.
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Kingdom of Heaven is whatever we want it to be.
It is our heart, a child at rest, the situation in which our full vision is restored so that we can see what has gone before us and what comes after us.
It is a place of joy where the angels, archangels, and Masters sit, walk, and talk with us.
It’s as vast as the Universe and it’s as small as a new born duckling.
The ability to experience the Kingdom of Heaven is within us right Now.
There’s a misunderstanding that we cannot experience the kingdom of heaven unless we’ve died, left our body, but that isn’t true.
This is what this Ascension is about.
It’s anchoring Heaven on Earth.
It’s anchoring Love on Earth
because that’s what Heaven is.
It is the state of being completely and totally in Love and having the freedom of movement to explore, to play, to sing, to go bowling if we wish.
It’s the middle way. It’s the balance.
It’s what we are aiming to achieve.
It’s Who We Are, completely whole.
(Concluded in Part 4, tomorrow.)
(1) “Lao Tzu Discusses Many Aspects of the Divine Quality of Humility,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, April 24, 2013, https://counciloflove.com/2013/04/lao-tzu-discusses-the-many-aspects-of-the-divine-quality-of-humility/
Links to all the parts of this series:
How the Law of Intent Relates to the 2nd Dimension and Humility