If one talks about issues such as financial management of very large aggregates of wealth, I imagine the question that arises in most people’s minds is: Will I be protected?
I’ve asked that question of the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael many times and their answer has always been “yes” – with one notable exception.
If a person is interested in managing this kind of wealth for strictly personal reasons – ambition, greed, vindictiveness, etc. – the Company of Heaven does not extend protection. One’s own personal guides do, but not the celestials.
The upshot may be that one either loses that wealth or else gets to keep enough to satisfy personal ambitions but is not given more.
But let us look at this subject of protection at length because it may be a subject uppermost in some people’s minds.
In reading this information, the reader must take responsibility for accepting it or not. Not everyone believes in the reality of channeled messages. I do, but you must decide for yourself whether you do or not.
When I last discussed the matter with Archangel Michael on Nov. 15, 2017, he said:
“[Protection] is something that many human beings do not understand and that you will share and write about over time and in the near time.
“When we declare that, whether it is a guardian angel or a guide (because they are interchangeable), an Archangel, a Seraph, the Mother herself but particularly when I say, when we say, or a guardian angel says that they are protecting you, what does this really mean?
“It means that there is no need for fear, that this very old core issue/false grid can truly be thrown into the trash heap or the recycle bin to be given back to the light. Few people really believe this and it is curious because there is seldom a situation in which we do not begin and end by saying this.
“So it is a basic wobbly leg in human/divine relationships because the relationship is starting with this aspect, based on old human experience, but it is based on this aspect of ‘I don’t really trust you so you better prove yourself and show me’ rather than proceeding not only in the love but in the mantle of protection that is around you always.
“So I am giving you this as food for thought, not so much even for your sacred self but as food for thought for how you discuss things with those who are our faithful readers.
“And the desire for many, and when I say many I mean billions, of Gaians to simply release this hesitancy to trust because it is also, of course, as you well know a hesitancy to trust oneself, to trust that in fact what you feel about yourself is trustworthy.” (1)
Does this guarantee of protection apply to all lightworkers? Michael answers:
Archangel Michael: Now I have repeatedly said to thee, not to worry about your own physical, or emotional for that matter, safety. You are grandly protected and, yes, I do take credit!
But there are many others who also accompany you and of course your cadre, your circle and we do not simply mean your immediate circle. We mean this very broad circle of lightworkers and love holders.
Steve: Oh good, because that was a question that I had. Is it only me or does that apply to all financial currency holders and way showers?
AAM: No. Now let us suggest this. We are not saying – because that is how it can be interpreted – that some are loved and cared for and protected and some are not. Because that, again, would be a separation of ways.
But in fact, as you have witnessed, and will further witness in the very near future is that there are some engaged in this, what you think of as a currency exchange, that truly do not come, can we say, from the fullness of the Mother’s purity and desire and most certainly St. Germaine’s desire for this transaction.
What we mean, and we have discussed this with you before, about how some lightworkers and certainly the external community, the broader community is still coming from a place of selfishness and greed and self-interest.
Now we do not say this in a way of condemnation or fault or anything. But there is a pattern. Let us just talk a minute about this.
Where there is selfishness and greed, there is often – and you see it every day in your various societies – a tendency either to extravagance and flamboyance…
Steve: Yes, ostentatiousness
AAM: Yes, ostentation – or hoarding. And hoarding is simply on the other end of that spectrum. It is still the demonstration of, “Look what I’ve got.”
Steve: Service to self…
AAM: Now are we going out of our way to provide overlighting and protection to those who are neither asking or requesting or even truly accepting our protection? The answer is no.
Now it does not mean that those people’s guardian angels and guides do not watch over them. Of course they do and they are being infused, as you well know, by all the various frequencies so there is always a chance for a last-minute revelation.
Your question is: Is the Lightworker community protected? If they, again, are very low-key, not ostentatious in the slightest way and not being flamboyant not because of nondisclosure agreements or any of that which are in place and very likely will be in place for everybody, but it is the self-regulation of believing and practising and doing an internal nondisclosure as well. You do not want to announce to the world, as some would, that you have such affluence and you intend to shift the world.
Because as soon as you make that kind of, and we are not talking about action or stating what is your divine authority to state, but when you allow that declaration to go out far and wide, what you are doing is you are setting yourself up as a target.
So we are not going to go out of our way to pay extra attention, shall we say, to those who are not in humble pride.
So are the lightworkers who are diligent and see themselves in a stewardship role greatly protected? The answer is, “yes.” And you most certainly are mightily protected. The answer is, “yes.”
Steve: I don’t see how I can avoid talking about my own personal situation, Lord, given the type of writing that I do.
AAM: But you are not calling up the Wall Street Journal, saying that you are a billionaire and flashing your wealth. There is a very big difference, sweet one.
Steve: Yes, I do understand. Nothing that you said is unpleasant to my ears. That was what I was planning to do anyways so I’m good.
AAM: It should not be unpleasant to anybody’s ears who is coming from a place of heart and dedication and realizing that they have been given the privilege, the divine authority, to act on behalf of the Mother/Father One, that you can truly be the champions of change, catalysts for restoring equality and fairness and unity upon this planet.
Steve: Yes, it is a great privilege, Lord. (2)
Let me end here for today. I’ll need four articles to cover this topic properly and completely. And I’m sure it’s a topic that most currency holders have wondered about.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 15, 2017.
(2) Ibid., June 9, 2017.
See also On Lightworker Protection at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/On-Lightworker-Protection-6.pdf
On Lightworker Protection 6