Last July, the Society I’m a board member of, A Door To Everything, embarked on an adventure of opening an artisan collective.
What an amazing experience.
Through this sweet little shop we are meeting all kinds of people in the local community and beyond, from the artisans interested in selling their locally-made goods to those wanting to buy them.
Because A Door To Everything Society’s mission is helping those with extreme addiction, we communicated to many what we have been doing with John Volken Academy, the 2-year residential program that teaches life skills.
We raised awareness in our little shop finding out that most people had no idea that Vancouver has this Dalai Lama-endorsed, successful recovery facility.
Twice we’ve had days in the shop where the women from the JVA program came to make crafts and have their hair and nails done at the adjacent hair salon, Shear Bliss.
You’d think it was a win-win for everyone involved except that it just hasn’t been financially viable.
We are 9 months in and. . . it’s not working. . .
The lady on our board who opened the shop is ready to call it quits even though she’d prefer to stay; she Loves her little shop and feels it is her sacred purpose to help artisans showcase their wares.
We have a few ideas to keep it going — going to the landlord to ask for a couple of months free rent to get us into the better weather (it has been a cold winter not as many people out and about), more print, even television advertising — but. . .
Is it a failure?
I’ve been told by my principal guide, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“There is no such thing as mistakes.
“The only mistakes humans make is in judgement, when they judge themselves or others to be less than — when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity — and that is just sad.”
As we become more conscious, in the expanded vibrations and increased frequencies of the higher realms, we begin to see everything as a lesson.
Good, bad, ugly — whatever has transpired because of the physics of energy, what we have held onto and attracted to us — all our experiences can be viewed in gratitude for the lesson.
The beings in the higher realms never judge us.
So why should we judge our selves?
When something “fails” we have a tendency to fall into feelings of not being approved of, despair, despondency, embarrassment, shame, sorrow, anger, fear. . . “I’m/we’re a disappointment.”
When we combine that with the old beliefs of hatred, judgement, limitation, separation anxiety, control, and guilt, we’re operating with systems that just don’t work.
An opportunity such as this is a gold mine to look within and release the old ways.
I have cold sores popping out on my lips and pain in my left shoulder.
What am I holding on to?
Time to let go, to more deeply forgive myself for the past.
“How is this ‘perceived failure’ connected to the past?”
I feel the tears coming. . . deep sorrow. . .
I ask for Divine Help.
Stop, drop, receive.
Love is within and all around.
Ascension is within and all around.
Compassion is my ability not to judge, to be the observer of everything, not to try to fix or heal, holding the highest vision of LOVE in co-creation with the Divine, and to know the Truth of Who I Am.
So what happens to our little shop. . .
In Divine Alignment, will community rally around us or is this something to chalk up to experience with enormous gratitude for all the fun we had?
As International Woman’s Day approaches, I am holding the highest vision for self and community to #balanceforbetter!
Holding the flame steady,
knowing everyone’s worthiness,
holding the door wide open for all of us.
No matter what has transpired along this journey
being in gratitude for self and others,
glorious golden Ascension.
Allowing, accepting,
to balance.