My point here is not to arouse sympathy. Nor am I looking for an easy way out.
It’s to demonstrate that I have a stake in the game, just as we all do.
I’ll handle my bills one at a time or take whatever other responsible measures I have to.
I see that too as a contribution to raising our vibratory levels, as the Mother has requested of us.
(Continued from Part 1.)
There’ll be many people who consider that I’m speaking too generally or that their suffering is here-and-now real. I agree. I feel it too.
But that doesn’t change the fact that the experience of the love that lies in our very own hearts is what will end our experience of suffering.
After Ascension, we’ll live in it permanently. With the planetary heart opening, we’ll experience it for a time.
Stressing myself out isn’t going to produce any lasting result except decline, (1) but this kind of love transforms our experience of the circumstances and produces lasting results.
Even if the truth won’t buy us a cup of coffee, even if it sounds woefully inappropriate, it doesn’t change it’s being the answer and the truth. And only the truth will set us free. Ignorance and illusion will not. Again, that has to do with the way life is designed. (2)
I’m sure that concentrating on loving and removing the obstacles to loving will prime the pump to have love flow.
That’ll solve the really important problems in life. And I believe the rest will follow. (3) I intend to test that hypothesis out in the workshop that my life is.
So, yes, I’m waiting for the Reval too and, yes, I have a lot to lose, as you do. Not as bad as some. Worse than others.
No one is forcing me to wait for the Reval. No one is making me. I am choosing to be part of it and yet at the same time taking care of myself.
Thank you to my friend and the reader for wittingly and unwittingly pulling me out of what might have been a really bad downward spiral.
And now I feel that love arise in me. Instantly suffering ceases and nothing else matters.
This is what it’s all about. Being in the experience of love.
(1) My stress level went down when I sat down and devised a plan. I’m tackling it one bill at a time, visiting the taxman, etc. Having a plan switched me from living in dread and dismay to “getting to work.”
(2) The purpose of life is that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” at
(3) Your accounts of spiritual businesses going bankrupt do give me the shakes. But no more or less than I give myself at the thought of going under. Part of the process of creation is to take appropriate steps, which I’m doing.