Madison’s share settled a great question for me.
She said:
“Trust and faith are the ultimate alignment with our higher selves and there’s no better way to raise our vibrations.” (1)
Who knows when the penny’s going to drop?
Nothing is sure that I’m aware of. I trust that the post office will deliver the mail. I trust that the pilot can fly the airplane. I trust that the sun will come up tomorrow, the rain will stop.
But when it comes to owning that I trust Archangel Michael – or the Divine Mother or God, as Madison says, etc. – I shy away.
I anticipate the question, “How do you know X?” Well, of course, I don’t. I don’t know that the mail will be delivered tomorrow or the pilot can fly the plane or the sun will rise.
The skeptic might then say, well, there’s a little more basis for trusting the sun’ll come up tomorrow than that Archangel Michael will come to your aid If you’re down and out.
But, hey, it’s my life, my play, my drama. I can do what I want. I can choose to trust Michael even if others think me daft and even if the circumstances seem not to support my resolve.
I prefer life lived out of trusting the other side than life lived out of fear of what tomorrow will bring, hoarding money, carrying all this information in my head on what to do when and if. (2)
I don’t live from paycheque to paycheque because I don’t have a paycheque to live from and to. We live by your donations. I’m really on the skinny branches as are the rest of us here.
And yet there are others who don’t even have donations. And what I say may sound really facile to them (and I don’t blame them for feeling that way).
With all its vicissitudes (and they do come), it’s still my life, viewed from any angle. Madison reminded me that I get to choose how I want to live it.
And, no matter the outer circumstances, now that I see the matter clearly and can rechoose, I choose to live it from trust.
I never saw any of that before. Thank you, Madison.
(1) Madison, “Trust and Faith are Ultimate Alignment – Part 1/2,”
(2) And I don’t say this with no ante in the pot. I just discovered that I owe more than $8,000 in back taxes and medical bills so it isn’t as if I have don’t have grounds for dismay. But I’d rather trust.