Writers Corner
By Robin J. Bloom
The great mass awakening is arriving soon! Can you see or feel our world changing? Energetically, this concept of light expansion and awakening is nearing a 51% tipping point reaching a critical mass of the light quotient that is uniquely held within each of our bodies.
This tipping point is incrementally manifesting right before our very eyes. Look around, the old illusions of separation are being replaced with a more compassionate viewpoint.
Globally, people are standing up and speaking out about social and environmental injustices, inequities, and living life per status quo on a planet that needs our help.
The resulting heart-opening experiences will affect all of life on planet Earth in the very best of ways. For some, this may appear like chaos as the higher energies of light support the releasing of denser energies, such as the emotion of fear that underlies the unleashing of anger, judgment, or blame.
Releasing fear is a process that, although uncomfortable, is a necessary step to allow more light to enter your field.
The energies are very palpable. For me, this feels like being squeezed down through a funnel as the denser and more contracting energies are released prior to allowing more light to flood into the cells.
And for others, the light will bring feelings of love and bliss. This group would be those souls or lightworkers who are awakened/awakening to their love presence.
The remaining group would include those individuals who are more comfortable living life as usual or in a state of fear and survival.
What can you do?
1) Breathe. Smile and take three deep breaths throughout your day. Immediately, your physiology will improve. Affirm all is well and safe in your world.
2) Connect with nature or animals. Welcome the changes and be good to yourself, especially on more challenging days. Rest when needed. Remain in a state of love.
3) Drink plenty of water regularly to help detox the body and fortify the cells in allowing more light to enter. Adding lemon juice will aid detoxification by alkalizing the body. And, as always, remember to be happy.
4) Eat healthy organic food along with raw fruits and vegetables that contain greater life force. Adding organic parsley (parsley is high in iron and impacts your hemoglobin) daily to your diet will assist with the physical detox by oxygenating the cells to bring in more light and oxygen to help you feel better.
In truth, we have all been bathed in this awakening for some time. Some indications of the energy influx include the appearance of colorful rainbows with greater intensity, clarity, and formations of light. Personally, I have experienced rainbows that are beautifully perched on the horizon of the ocean as if floating on the water.
At night, the stars are shining brightly with glimpses of red and green, and the moon is, at times, engulfed in a ring of color.
Electronics are also having a higher occurrence of disruption and the physical body is responding with aches, pains, and ailments that come and go unexpectedly.
The great awakening points to the culmination of love energy that souls have called forth to expand and evolve back into a life of harmony and peace.
An example of this manifesting process would be to envision the world where conflicts of war, famine, and homelessness are replaced with supportive relationships of cooperation, collaboration, and community building with equitable solutions to these struggles. This reality is becoming more tangible.
Another point to note, the Earth is a planet of free-will, meaning we are each the creators of our reality. This feature of life is to be honored.
Some souls are electing to return home/exiting the planet to assist humanity and Gaia from across the veil of the spiritual realms.
Others will choose to complete their life plans in a more survival state of consciousness that will continue to teach many lessons of love, all according to each soul’s plan.
What remains is the knowledge that we as souls create our contract prior to birth that entails our life path themes and lessons to be mastered within this lifetime. Everyone has guides and angels to assist their earthly ventures when requested. No one is ever alone; energetically, we are all interconnected as love–the love who we truly are and what every soul desires.
It is now the moment to begin contemplating a new way of living life as we cease the old ways of strife and embrace these new energies of love and compassion for each other and our planet.
Know we are each doing our very best regardless of what may transpire.
Trust, breathe and be well. Together we are creating a new world.