Controversy abounds about what’s actually going on in the U.S. and the world in terms of exposures and the process of freeing us from cabal control.
Magenta Pixie posts on FaceBook as Petra Pixie McGuire (1), and she’s been responding to questions posed by her own readers ~
Q: I can’t be around “normies” for long, is this part of awakening?
A: Yes, this happens…inability to be around “normies” for long (third dimensional individuals). Your fields are sensitive like magnets and pick everything up. Being in the presence of someone angry, deeply distressed and in trauma, on drugs, alcohol or consuming regular junk food can actually make you nauseous.
You learn to ‘build a wall’, if you will. Trump’s wall is the physical metaphor to this phase on a planetary level.
This is a barrier actually being created on a cellular level as you come into mastery.
This barrier becomes permeable, and you choose what/who you allow in.
Eventually you’ll be able to be around ‘normies’ for as long as you please without affect, although you’ll probably choose to be around your own tribe. This wall-building can take years, although everything is happening more quickly now.
Staying too long with ‘normies’ can ‘hurt’ your energy fields and ‘sounds’ dreadful (clairaudiently), whereas your own kind will feel blissful and sound like divine music to the true ‘ears’ (pineal gland antennae). As a teacher, healer and master, though, you’ll need to build that wall in order to do your job and ‘walk amongst them’, if you will. This will always be your choice, for as a master, you are ‘in charge ‘ (with charge within your fields) of your individual matrix.
Note – the word ‘normies’ is amusing in the sense that it is the multidimensionally activated individuals who are ‘normal’ if you will (as in organic, original human).
Q: How can we reconcile the fact that Donald Trump is President?
A: The best way to reconcile him being President is to see the bigger picture here. You’ll never reconcile this by looking at his personality as that of an individual who should be the leader of a free country.
When you take a step back and see ~
- A controlled country (and entire planet) that thinks its free
- Leader after leader who are all part of the same ‘family’, groomed to be leader since birth
- All serving the same agenda but appearing to be independent
- Creating a regeneration of the same person, just in a different body, over and over again with no chance of any ‘outsider’ ever making it to that tightly guarded position of leader
Then all of a sudden, one random, ‘loose cannon’ type of an individual with an uncontrollable and flawed personality makes it into that position as leader, going against everything the ‘family’ had planned. That person looks most undesirable to those who believe the country/world is free and that previous leaders have all been independent individuals rather than part of a hive mind.
Then that leader meets people who want to free the country and the world, and he learns.
Seeing the world as it really is, is the picture you need to see if you want to reconcile what looks like cognitive dissonance from the outside. When you see this true picture, the bigger picture which involves seeing the future potential outcomes rather than the little details, then not only do you reconcile this situation of Trump being President, but you rejoice in it.