I’m holding back on endorsing the gilets jaunes or yellow-vest movement because yellow vests were used recently to support a rally that was divisive and inciteful. (For all I know it could have been a black op.)
The yellow vest is a potent symbol and I’m not going to lend publicity to those who misuse it.
I’d like to see if activists arise who can hold the context of peace and justice before throwing my wholehearted support behind the movement as a movement.
If it gets shanghaied, I remain certain that the energy of the Light is unstoppable. So I’m not worried that peace and justice won’t prevail. For me, it isn’t a question of if, but when.
Lightworkers are not yet organized. We’re not yet so strongly committed to ideals such as peace and justice to give a movement such as the yellow vests coherence and direction.
And we seem not to have mastered the art of translating protest into lasting, ongoing social action. Our movements seem to peter out after a season.
I can only do so much and that “so much” is to write about it, not to organize it. Someone else needs to do that.
This is an opportunity for someone.
The yellow vests being used for less than noble ends shows where our efforts so far fall short.