(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday)
Therefore extraterrestrials exist, life is everywhere in the multiverse, and the human form or Adam Kadmon template is common.
I’d like to turn now to the more specific question of who is here and why.
SaLuSa explained to us in 2009 that humanity “could not live forever in the illusion of being at the centre of the Universe.”
“With the knowledge of other life forms that have also existed within your solar system and in fact still do, it is time to accept that they have accompanied you for thousands upon thousands of years. They have a place in your lives and your evolution, and are every bit a part of the grand experiment of duality as you are.” (1)
How is it that we don’t remember their place in our lives? SaLuSa answers: “You accepted the veils that were drawn across your eyes as you dropped deeper into the lower vibrations. Now you are emerging once again, and being reminded of your true selves and your history upon Earth.” (2)
What is the nature of their societies when compared with our own?
The off-planet races, SaLuSa tells us, “have never lost their level of high consciousness and are fully aware of your history together.” (3) They are therefore higher dimensional than we are.
Adamu observed that our society is not unity conscious while other societies gathered here are. He says:
“We, the Pleiadian culture are, for the most part, of unity consciousness. That means we see all other beings as brothers or, more correctly, as another manifestation of a greater Self. So we say, no matter who you are, you are I and I am you.” (4)
Perhaps they are stepping stones: first, seeing all others as our sisters and brothers and, second, as another manifestation of a greater Self.
“Some cultures we see in a state of pain. Sometimes they are so confused and traumatized that they attack and attempt to destroy themselves. Such as has often happened on your planet and continues to happen in many parts.” (5)
How many attempts have we seen to start World War III? If able to do so, the deep state would have blown the world up when sufficiently threatened – something our star family, gathered here to help us, will not allow.
“Sometimes the ‘self’ they attack is another space race as has happened throughout galactic history. Our galaxy is littered with war zones, old and new. There are many races here that still do not know their oneness with all. And such races are, I’m afraid, prone to aggression.
“And that is how I would characterize the races and the cultures: to simply divide them into Unity Conscious and Non-Unity Conscious races.” (6)
He then relates this to Service to Other and Service to Self.
“You might have heard, we often speak in terms of Service to Other and Service to Self mindsets. Well, these things correlate very well because if you are of Unity Consciousness then you cannot but have a Service to Other mindset. Can you see that?
“So Unity Conscious races will always try to do the very best thing they can to the benefit of All, including you. Non-Unity Conscious ones will try to do the best for themselves no matter what that does to you.
“There are some races that have had dealings with your planet that are of the Non-unity Conscious mindset. They have caused some damage to your view of your star brothers. But that is being turned to the good now. Soon all shall see.” (7)
So the galactics themselves are helping us to achieve unity consciousnsess and ascend.
SaLuSa reminds us of another factor: “The higher vibrations beaming to you are raising your levels of consciousness.” (8) And I’m led to believe that there are many other factors and efforts present to make our Ascension a success.
Finally, I’d like to look at one of the confederations of space folks here to help us: the Galactic Federation of Light.
SaLuSa says that the GFL may have been the vehicle by which we as the first inhabitants of Earth were first transplanted here. He says:
“You will find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to your early evolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more of a connection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part to play in your genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you get to see the various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at how many have a close resemblance to how you look now.” (9)
He informs us that they collaborate with other races outside the GFL.
“You will find that many different types of Beings from other civilizations work side by side for the Galactic Federation of Light. We enjoy the knowledge and differences that other Extraterrestrials bring with them that we can all share. Sharing is the operative word that expresses everything that we do, and it is done for the good of all.” (10)
He describes their evolutionary standing.
“The Galactic Federation is comprised of civilisations of ascended Beings carrying the status of Masters. They are spiritually evolved and their energy is of Love and Light, with the intent of spreading it far and wide.” (11)
Notice: They live in a higher dimension (spiritually evolved) and their energy is Love and Light. When all of us live in a higher dimension, we too will be in a permanent state of love and bliss. That is to say, when we ascend, his description will fit us as well. Then, if not before, the world will work for everyone. (13)
Who does the GFL work for and why?
“We act on the Divine orders that direct our activities and we are committed to helping civilisations such as yours. You can understand your position at this time and know that you are on the verge of a momentous leap in your evolution. We are here to travel with you, and even beyond as you make your way through the next level of dimensions.
“Nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress, and it is our responsibility to ensure you safely achieve Ascension.” (12)
Similar things could be said by or about the Ashtar Command, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and other space forces and commands.
Thus, there is life everywhere in the universe. Around our planet, at the present time, are members of our space family, including races that seeded Earth in the first place, here to help us emerge from the control of the cabal and ascend to a dimension where love and bliss ensure that the world works for everyone.
(1) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) “Adamu Speaks,” through Zingdad, Comm-Unity of Light, Sept. 7, 2008, at https://www.book-of-light.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=81&f=86
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009.
(9) Ibid., May 5, 2010.
(10) Ibid., Nov. 14, 2012.
(11) Ibid., Aug. 17, 2011.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) The phrase originated with Werner Erhard.