By Morag, October 30, 2018,
We have entered a new paradigm, a new dimensional space.
The third dimension is fading as we try to fathom the fourth. We are now operating in the fourth dimension. The rainbow children, indigos and light workers have raised the vibrations beyond the 3d matrix. Phase 3 the fourth realm has been reached.
The collective consciousness has awakened. The hard, dense karmic armour cloaking us has been cracked open.
Ascension has begun. The event is happening.
We are experiencing frequency quakes, ripples of dimensional transition rewiring matrix algorithms. We are being guided through the fourth into the fifth, we are not alone.
How do we know we are transitioning from lower dimensions to higher realms? It’s all around us, the Shift in consciousness has turned the 3d matrix to sand, it runs through our fingers. We are operating in the astral plane, only real on the material plane because we expect it, built on memory, routines and belief. We have lots of energetic work to do.
Releasing negativity from the fourth realm is going to make the last few years of 3d density release look like a walk in the park.
We are warriors, we were prepared, trained for this. We open our hearts to love, we engage soldier senses, observe, observe, observe. Zoom in on micro expressions, see truth behind masks of lies. Zoom out and watch how others speak to and treat us, with calm clarity. Look around, what has changed, shifted, pushed through blocks and what is stagnant? We have heard talk of draining the swamp, this is more like opening the windows of an ancient, haunted house, letting all who are trapped, lost, fearful rise up free to escape at last.
Tread carefully, there are things in the basement we should avoid disturbing. In the attic the sleeping children are not to be woken yet. Easy goes the healing, the clearing, the fixing, for now focus on self care. Our Mission at this time is not seed sowing, waking folk up, spreading freedom dissent, it is to anchor our light to Gaia’s grid. We are the hammer and nails that will fix the 5d light matrix to the remnants of the 3d matrix, creating a bridge on the material plane to allow ascension within our organic bodies.
Lightbody activation has prepared those of us called to help heal the fourth. The 5d matrix mirrors the material plane, created to avoid fear. We rebuild solid foundations of our perceived reality, based on joy, love, peace and higher consciousness. The new earth will be birthed from darkness as was prophesied.
15 Signs we have Transitioned to the Fourth Realm
Dreams become more vivid and/or frightening. Take control in dreamtime, channel your inner warrior, let go of fear, fight back.
Waking up tired, erratic sleeping habits, problems reaching REM sleep, or waking up feeling like we have been in deep space stasis.
Feeling attacked, bullied, drained, targetted in family, workplace or social relationships.
Experiencing powerful aversion to some people, we have become like magnets, our energy either resonates or is repulsed by others’ energy.
Pulling away from some people who project themselves as victims, protecting our energetic space. Don’t feel guilty, there is more going on than we can see, trust intuition above all else.
Trippy surreal quality to life. Background people seeming less real, doubt over what is real and what isn’t. Awareness of possible parallel dimensions, different realities being rolled out simultaneously.
Seeing glitches occur, heightened awareness of the matrix. It’s heaviness, density, becoming stark in contrast to the waviness of the fourth realm. Transport, stations, shopping malls, airports are where it is most obvious.
Some may see shape shifting, paranormal activity, or hear sounds from other realms in conscious awake time. This is likely to increase, the deeper into darkness we go. Anchor our light to Gaia’s grid at all times.
Waking up to the astral plane, understanding how it is weaved into the fabric of our existence. Seeing or experiencing the fourth dimension all around us.
Releasing more layers of personal karma, self doubt and guilt coming up for karmic clearing.
Not feeling able to or wanting to go out. Heavy limbs, slow, clumsy, sensitive, suspicious, wary, tired.
Choosing solitude, craving alone time.
Lightbody activation accelerates. Achy limbs, lightheaded, colds and flus as karma is released. Upgrades are integrated. Following bouts of painful emotional release, feeling of lightness, elation, zen bliss.
Bouts of nausea as we adjust to frequency fluctuations, similar to sea sickness. Ears popping as frequencies change. Grounding mantras and nature help steady our inner vibration.
Tremors throughout our body caused by our bodies trying to adjust and align with fluctuations in frequencies all around us. Moving slowly, eating small portions regularly, healing therapies help us restore core balance.
We are taking the full impact of this shift of dimensional plates, in our core.
Nausea comes in swirls of shakiness, stomach aches and dizziness. Tremors from the core, vibrate outwards, reaching extremities before starting again. Concentration in bouts of high focus followed by fuzzy, space man head. Exhilaration tapered with comatose-on-the-couch meditation. Reflection aids lightbody activation. Night trains of energy course through our being, the day becomes present, poignant, trippy. Sleep has become a ghost in the night.
We flicker in and out. Some see us, some don’t. Sometimes we are here, present, mindful, other times we are elsewhere. We have moved into a new space, the fourth realm. The rules are different here, the game has changed. We are creators now.
We are helping phase 3, the fusion of 5d light matrix, by transmuting dark energies. Healing. The light matrix is merging with the dark matrix, we are the glue, the filaments of light weaving it all together. Glitches are evident. Strange incidents, ghostly goings on, smoke and mirrors. Alarming news leaks into our vision, extremist moves by extremist governments.
What is real and what isn’t? Conspiracies are rational theory. Explanations for inconsistencies and consistencies in the fabric of our lives. The fourth changes the rules. The walls are no longer solid. Paranormal activity will increase, the boundaries paper thin between their world and ours. We work to transmute fear into love. Transdimensional navigation of the fourth dimension requires daily grounding, meditation, rest, routine and spiritual guidance.
Protection should be upped, adopt soldier senses, we were trained for this. Sacred light circles protect us from all lower frequencies and vibration. Use your free will and accept the gift of protection from higher self, guides and ascended beings.
Dimensions exist on frequencies, we don’t need to be in the fourth for long. Our world is now Smart, interactive. We are the gamers and the architects, the designers, the players. We can design this anyway we like. We are immersed in a programming web wired to low vibratory fields where dark masquerades as light and nothing is what it seems.
We are the light now, pinpoints, dotted throughout the population. Our grid is Gaia. Our currency cosmic. We link up digitally, energetically circling the world in sacred light. The news is apocalyptic. The world is going mad and most continue to chug along in their cardboard cut out conditioned lives. Yet all have souls, all have sovereign rights to choose freedom. The veils thin for all to see, programming crashes, spells are broken, curses lifted. Karmic purge of the fourth dimension is a daunting prospect. Mystics, mediums, psychics know the traumas and tragedies, the torment and darkness of the fourth realm.
Release will be quick, painless, euphoric for most of the lost souls. The small few who choose fire and brimstone will fight, but most will gladly flee to fields of higher vibratory light.
Healers, light workers, warriors of Gaia stay close to what matters. Engage with the matrix in positive mindset, make what you want real. Model humane behaviour. Manifest within the hologram, learn to build from the inside out. Meditate. Go to ground, staying if that’s what resonates.
Head out and create good vibes, do new things, build relationships, engage, create, beautiful people. Keep your frequency positive when all else are steeped in the negative. Retreat when it gets too hard. It’s looking more and more biblical out there folks. Jeshua, Jesus Christ, is in the hearts of many humans, his light will guide them, as was prophesied.
Mary Mother Magdalene shines her divine feminine light, her arms welcoming all who need her love and protection. Archangel Michael is assisting with the fourth realm evacuation. He is our healer, call him in healing sessions, meditation and prayer. There are other ascended beings invested in our evolution, our bid for freedom, our spiritual awakening. Our hearts guide us, we surrender to love vibrations, allowing ourselves to be guided through the dark into light.
Metaphor has become literal, the clues hidden in plain sight. We are here now as atoms pulsating in our own little universe. Keep our frequency positive when all else are steeped in the negative. Retreat into zen spaces, creativity and soul nourishment.
We have entered the fourth dimension, nothing is as it seems. We create. We have been riding tidal waves of cosmic light frequencies, upgrading, raising the vibrations to get to this point. Now we face truth. Phase 3 has begun. Anchor our light even when buffeted by coastal winds of fear, anxiety and loss. Karma is levelling the playing field. Watch, wait, manifest wisely and meditate love frequency.
Power up shields of love. Reach out for help in the right places, the heart, our guides. Sovereignty has long been at stake, take ours back with peace, love and light. The shift is happening 2018, a great transition, Gaia drops a gear, ascension has brought us to the fourth. Stay sane, stay zen, stay sure of love. We are creating the new earth, phoenix rising from the ashes. Forget old paradigms, shed your matrix avatars. Stay protected in sacred circles of light. In light and love beautiful people.