Jesus Sananda reminds us to extend compassion and divine mercy within and without to all Gaians because it is the answer to freedom.
Saturday Conference Call, October 20, 2018
Greetings, I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Yeshua, I AM your beloved brother, ally, friend. And yes, I come and I travel, in my essence is the magenta, sometimes with the peridot. But even if I was bright yellow and bright blue, I would come to you and I would speak to you of this issue of compassion.
Yes, compassion for your sweet, beloved self; compassion for the animal kingdom, particularly those who are being hunted and slaughtered, consciously or unconsciously it matters not; for the flower gardens that are being turned into deserts; and the crystal skies that are being turned into open sewers.
Gaia deserves compassion, and this is a quality, a divine mercy, that she gives each and every one of you every day. Too many of the human race, of this singular species of Gaians, have forgotten what it is to have compassion for their fellow inhabitants of this beautiful, bountiful planet. This planet was not birthed and transformed into iron curtains or cement walls, into nation-states of rigidity.
And yes, I know whereof I speak, for I have lived in a country that was occupied and under the thumb of a distant emperor and authoritarian ruler. And I have lived with the authoritarian rules of rigidity of religion and government. And what was my approach? Yes, I was most certainly rebellious and I was most certainly a thorn in the side of many…and that was my purpose.
My purpose wasn’t only to sit quietly in the shadows, the same way my purpose was not necessarily to be crucified and tortured. My purpose was to remind and to share the love, regardless of religion, or race, or nationality, or leaning. I did not say some are welcome and others aren’t…how could that possibly be of love? I did not say you cannot come today because there are not enough loaves and fishes…because there is always enough.
If there are two grains of rice then there is one for me and one for another, and in this the miracle of multiplication takes place, the miracle of manifestation. When there is a willing sharing, a heart-sharing, there is always enough.
So yes, I have asked, through this channel, to each and every one of you across the entire planet to have compassion and mercy, human mercy and divine mercy, for those that find themselves in what you term refugee status. Because, what does this mean? It means that you are terrorized, that you are homeless, that you are hungry, that you are yearning for freedom and independence. You are often fearing for your life and the lives of your children, your family, not only from mayhem and murder but from disease and starvation.
How can compassion not be the answer to these situations? Of course it is! So, I ask of you every day, and most particularly in your Sunday night Peace Meditations, not only to hold compassion in your hearts but to send the activation of compassion, yes, to those in transit, those seeking an escape, but also to those who are in positions of authority, whether it is authority of one or authority of millions…to extend themselves, to extend the helping hand, the helping heart, and to hear, to truly not just hear the cries of the needy but to respond with heart-opening and heart-speaking and heart-sharing and the truth of compassion, because this is what it means to truly be human, to truly be Gaian, to truly be ascended.
So, this is my request of you, each of you, and I thank you from my heart to yours…I thank you! Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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