I came across this passage from Archangel Michael in 2013 in which he lays out how the Company of Heaven works with us – particularly on the Reval – and the recalcitrants by planting ideas.
“Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 1/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-the-global-reset-of-values-part-12/.
What we will do with people, shall we say, not only in key positions, for there are some of you that have heard our whisper to go and buy dinar or dong, etc., or to go to this place and move, or to do this session or not – we are always planting these ideas – but one of the things we do is we also plant the longer view, so that a person who is involved in a highly complex situation — which this is, by the way; because it is not just about money, it is not just about currency, it is about values — in key people we will plant the longer view.
We will inspire, if you wish to use that word, the longer view so that they have like a flash of lightning the understanding and all the steps to what can be accomplished many steps out if they simply do A, B, C and D.
And then what we do is we create circumstances — again, beyond the number of variables that you can humanly juggle, although there is that part of you that can assist and does — but we create situations and combinations of energies that then allow that to come to fruition.
So it is akin to laying out the banquet table, knowing it will be a delightful feast — everything is prepared. Now, can we make you eat? No. But usually — not always, but usually — the inspiration, the vision, the unfoldment that has been planted within is so beautiful and so clear that it is almost like a compulsion on the part of the individual, or in some situations, the group, to proceed in a certain direction.
Now, in amongst that — just like you have groups upon the planet, you have some people who are interested in human rights, some that are interested in the cessation of conflict and war. Now, that is right up my alley, along with communication.
Then there are those, shall we say, that would be under the auspices of Gabrielle, which is minute organization, everything in place, the central administration of the universe, every I dotted, every T crossed.
Then there are those that are working under the grouping or the auspices, say, of Jesus Sananda, which is truly about two things — creating abundance, yes, and compassion.
Then there are those who are the teachers. And then there are those who are the communicators.
So each group is working intently on various aspects of this unfoldment. It is not as simple as simply one head of an International Monetary Fund making a decision. It is far more — far more! — complex than that.
So, for example, in a situation where you are wanting a revalue in a country that is very dictatorial and violent. Well, then, those who are above and below with me, but the Company of Heaven, my legions, we are working in the anchoring and the toning down of that violence, that dictator, that dictatorship, that structure.
And then right behind us is Jesus Sananda and his group, introducing greater compassion and understanding for the populace.